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吁乔生,用英文怎么说? 蠢猪用英语怎么说




abbr. National Economic Growth and Reconstruction Organization 国家经济增长和重建组织;

[例句]His interest in Negro spirituals and jazz began when he was a young boy.



呼吁: [ hū yù ]

1. call on

2. appeal

3. appeal (to)


1. 这位人道主义科学家呼吁改善穷人的生活条件。

The humanitarian scientist called on the improvement of the poor's living condition.

2. 警方呼吁目击者挺身而出。

Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.

3. 千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊.

Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.

4. 警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌.

The police appealed to the crowd not to panic.

5. 他不理会一切求援的呼吁。

He turned a deaf ear to all requests for help.


drag out an ignoble existence; live on in degradation.


I overwhelmed. I can't live on a degradation.我受不了了,我真的无法再这样苟活,

A life lived in fear is a life half lived. 怯懦得活着,如同苟活。

It is better to die with honour than to live with shame. 光荣而死,好过含辱苟活。




鸟尽弓藏[niǎo jìn gōng cáng]

cast aside the bow once the birds are gone -- cast sb. aside when he has served his purpose; The bows and arrows are put away when there are no more birds to shoot -- kick out sb. after his services are no longer needed.

兔死狗烹[tù sǐ gǒu pēng]

When all hares are killed, the hounds will be stewed and eaten.; After the cunning hare is killed, the hound is boiled.; Cook the hounds when no longer needed after the hares have been run down.; slay the lackeys when they have outlived their usefulness