侵犯他人健康权英文 生命健康权的重要性
你好!violate the freedom right of human希望对你有所帮助,望采纳.
Cease Your Hunting for Privacy In recent years,many newspapers and magazines feature stories about the private life of film stars,pop singers or even some famous political .
“版权所有,侵权必究”用英文怎么说版权所有,侵权必究的英语是:Copyright infringement.例句:1、版权所有,翻印必. 这些权利都受到法律的保护,任何人都不能侵犯他人的人身权利,若遇到人身侵权,.
“侵犯名誉权”用英语怎么说“侵犯名誉权”的英文表达是:infringe reputation right,名词形式是:reputation right infringement.
英语作文 侵犯隐私1000字数——After Reading I chose to read the novel this winter vacation. I did not mean to read this one, because the author is Gustave Flaubert, a Frenchman, so the English version.
侵犯隐私英文invasion of privacy以后遇到类似问题,求助在线词典.www.iciba/%E4%BE%B5%E7%8A%AF%E9%9A%90%E7%A7%81/
侵害 英语怎么说受侵害 英语名词怎么说侵害 [词典] encroach on; make inroads on; [生态] disoperation; aggrieve; infract; [例句]社会有权力和义务保护自身不受暴力行为的侵害.Society is entitled and bound to protect itself against a cult of violence
侵犯专利权行为英文怎么写patent infringement[例句] 假冒他人专利、冒充专利与侵犯专利权行为辨析&兼谈专利法第三次修改Discrimination between Counterfeiting Other 's Patent , Imitating Patent and Patent Tort & Concurrently Talking About the 3rd Revision of the PatentLaw
蓄意伤害他人身体用英语怎么说蓄意伤害他人身体 [词典] [法] deliberate maiming;