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乐多港有没有冬奥特许 乐多港奇幻乐园好玩吗








1. 把比人数少一张椅子数目的椅子围成一圈。  

2. 除了当鬼的人以外,其余的人分别坐在不同的椅子上。每张椅子限坐一人。  

3. 做鬼的人站在中央,他可以随意说大小风吹。如果他说大风吹,他说有X的人必须起来换位置。如果说小风吹,则是相反,没有X的人起来换位置。换位置时不能持续两人互换或坐回原位。如果说台风吹,所有人都要换位子。没抢到位置的人则是新鬼。     4. 坐鬼三次的人则算输,需接受处罚。  


鬼:大(小)风吹 其余的人:吹什么?  


Name: Big Wind blow, Small Wind blow, Typhoon Blow

Preparation:  Chairs must be put as a circle. The man who stands in the circle without a chair is the first "ghost". 

Rules: The standing man starts the game. 

1. If he says "big wind blow", the other people must ask him about "blow what". And the man answers that the ones who are girls. As soon as he stops, the girls must change her seats. And the ghost must take a seat from the girls. If he succeeds, the girl loses her seats is a new ghost. If not, the ghost will be the ghost again. If the ghost becomes ghost three times, he will be punished.

2. If he says "small wind blow", the other people  must ask him about "blow what". And the man answers that the ones who are girls. As soon as he stops, the boys must change their seats.And the ghost must take a seat from the boys. If he succeeds, the boy loses his seats is a new ghost. If not, the ghost will be the ghost again. If the ghost becomes ghost three times, he will be punished.

3. If he says "typhoon blow", everyone must change its seat. The one who don't have a seat is a ghost. If the ghost becomes ghost three times, he will be punished.

