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请问变形金刚中文版的男主是谁配音的? 擎天柱的配音是谁



==Autobot 博派==

Optimus Prime 擎天柱—— 配音:Peter Cullen 彼得·卡伦 (初代美版的声音)

Bumblebee 大黄蜂—— 配音:无(发声系统遭到永久性破坏,通过美国民谣表达思绪)

Jazz 爵士—— 配音:不明

Ironhide 铁皮—— 配音:不明

Ratchet 力捷——配音:不明


Megatron 威震天—— 配音:Hugo Weaving 雨果·威文 (《The Matrix》的史密斯特工;《魔戒》的精灵王)

Starscream 红蜘蛛—— 配音:不明

Bonecrusher 碎骨魔—— 配音:不明

Blackout 眩晕—— 配音:不明

Barricade 路障——配音:Keith David 基恩·大卫(《突变怪物The Thing》)

Frenzy 迷乱—— 配音:不明

Scorponok 巨蝎怪—— 配音:不明

Brawl 吵闹—— 配音:不明

以下是变形金刚1中擎天柱最后说的话:With the Allspark gone, we cannot return life to our planetAnd faith has yielded it's reward.A new world to call home.We live among it's people now, hiding in plane sight. But watching over them in secret.Waiting... Protecting...I have witnessed their capacity for courage.And though we are worlds apart, like us, there's more to them than meets the eye.I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobotstaking refuge among the stars.We are here...We are waiting...片尾,擎天柱:火种毁灭以后,我们的星球无法再恢复生命,但命运给了我们最后的补偿。让我们找到了一个新的家园,我们和人类生活在一起,在他们中间但却在默默的关注他们、等待并保护他们。我亲眼见证了他们的勇敢无惟恐!经管我们来自不同的世界,但是我们都一样,远不是表面所看到的那样。我是擎天柱,我把这个信息传给了在各个星球避难的汽车人,我们在这里,我们在等待!!!

这是开头的话:Optimus Prime: Before time began, there was the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony. But like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war. A war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home. Searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called... Earth. [the All Spark falls to Earth] Optimus Prime: But we were already too late... 擎天柱: 在时间开始之前,“魔方”就已经存在。我们不知道它来自哪里,只知道它具有力量——创造世界,创造生命。我们的星球也由此诞生,我们曾经有过和谐的时代,可是如同所有强大的力量,我们中间也有正义势力和邪恶势力,于是便开始了战争,那场战争彻底毁灭了我们的星球,尸横遍野,满目疮痍。“魔方”也消失在了太空深处,我们走遍整个银河系,希望能够找到她,重建家园。我们搜寻了每一个星球,每一个世界,就在我们近乎绝望的时候,一个新的发现把我们引到了一个闻所未闻的星球——地球!擎天柱:……可是我们来得太晚了……个人感觉听英文版的感觉超好




比较流行的翻译是希亚拉 博夫,他演出过《夺宝奇兵4》和《鹰眼》。
