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冬奥会即将到来英语 2022年冬奥会英语


2022年北京冬奥会将会再次给北京带来蓝天.英文翻译:2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will bring the blue sky once again to Beijing.

冬奥会即将到来英语 2022年冬奥会英语


冬奥会:Olympic Winter Games




英语:congratulations to beijing 2022 olympic winter games in 24 world became the host city 日语 おめでとう北京22年の冬季五轮の开催地に决定した 韩语 축하합니다 베이징 2022 년 24 회 동계 올림픽 개최 지로 결정 됐 다 法语 je vous en félicite la communauté allant de 2018 à beijing est la ville anisatrice 24 d'hiver


Alpine Skiing 高山滑雪 Biathlon 冬季两项 Bobsleigh 雪车 Cross-country Skiing 越野滑雪 Curling 冰壶 Figure Skating 花样滑冰 Freestyle Skiing 自由式滑雪 Ice hockey 冰球 Luge 雪撬 Nordic Combined 北欧两项 Short Track Speed Skating 短道速滑 Skeleton 钢架雪车 Ski Jumping 跳台滑雪 Snowboard 滑板滑雪 Speed Skating 速度滑冰 参考资料:英语之家


the olympic games =====*******======*******=======******** 希望可以帮到你哦!望采纳 谢谢!o(∩_∩)o

请帮忙翻译成英语: 2008年北京奥运会的盛况还历历在目,转眼四年,新的一届奥运会即将到来.

new beijing, great olympics the 2008 olympic game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout beijing ever since beijing was rewarded the right to host the .


你好!冬天即将来临Winter is coming


the International Olympic Committee as the honor to announce the host city of the Olympic Winter Games 2022----Beijing

英语翻译 本届冬奥会在伦敦举行. 中国到今天已拿两枚金牌.

不是伦敦啊,是温哥华.呵呵This winter Olympics is held in Vancouver. China has won 2 gold medels till today.