海绵宝宝英文介绍 海绵宝宝英文介绍ppt
Spongebob Squarepants is box-shaped yellow sponge, in beech ( base ) beach deep. 海绵宝宝是方块形的黄色海绵,住在比奇(基)堡海滩深海的一个菠萝(凤梨)里,.
谁能帮我用英语写一篇关于海绵宝宝的简介?- 蛤蛤 - i really like Sponge Bob
求有关于海绵宝宝的英文介绍 110个单词左右 大概初中水平SpongeBob英文简介 SpongeBob SquarePants, Animated Character Born: 1999 Birthplace: Burbank, California Best Known As: Goofy and guileless undersea cartoon hero.
关于介绍派大星的英语段派大星 patrick
派大星简介英文版Patrick Star is a fictional character in the American animated series SpongeBob SquarePants.派大星是一个美国动画片海绵宝宝中的虚拟人物 He is the best friend of main character SpongeBob.他是海绵宝宝最好的朋友 He is a pink starfish, and he always make some stupid mistakes.它是一个粉色的海星,并且经常犯一些愚蠢的错误 如果您满意我的答案,请您采纳,如果不满,请您追问
海绵宝宝英文版影评 60词(带译文)I'm ready. -- the classic lines SpongeBob SquarePants.A piece of soft and yellow sponges actually living in the seabed andas a pleasurable occupation, it is incredible, and .
关于介绍派大星的英语段Pro-american big star, English: and Star, Series of the animated film spongebob spongebob chums, itself is a pink starfish, looks very low intelligence, speech is voice thick .
求一篇关于海绵宝宝的英文文章SpongeBob SquarePants is a famous American cartoon,which began airing in 1999, formerly known as the Chinese “海绵宝宝”(Sponge bob Squarepants). The cartoon'.
海绵宝宝英文名是什么?Spongebob 原名是《穿方形裤子的海绵鲍勃》(Sponge bob Squarepants) 名称:派大星;英文:Patrick Star; 简介:系列动画片《海绵宝宝》中海绵宝宝的死党,本身是一支粉红色的海星,看起来智力很低,说话是嗓音粗粗的,身体笨重,在睡觉时会不停的流口水,典型的头大无脑型人物,但是在动画片中,它反而是说出最多有深刻含义话的人物,也许这就是通常所说的:天才和白痴只有一步之隔. 派大星居住在石头下面(是他自己盖得),经常被人称为“粉红色的失败者”,但是它仍然我行我素地生活着,并且将快乐进行到底! 虽然反应迟钝,奔跑时还会摔倒,但总有好运气让他在困境中也很快乐.