魔兽世界 狼人新手任务是怎么变成狼人的?? 魔兽世界狼人任务
1-新月之夜至一无人之地 2-平地一片 3-午夜,画一半径不少于7英尺之圆 4-圆内画一半径不少于3英尺之圆 5-内圈点火,用三脚架架一盛满水之铁锅 6-水沸之时,扔入以下物品之其中三种: 阿魏 香芹 鸦片 天仙子 番红花 芦荟 罂粟种子 7-念咒: 第一版 "On the sea, on the ocean, on the island, on Bujan, on the empty pasture gleams the moon, on an ashstock lying in a green wood, in a gloomy vale. Toward the stock wandereth a shaggy wolf, horned cattle seeking for his sharp white fangs; but the wolf enters not the forest, but the wolf dives not into the shadowy vale. Moon, moon, gold-horned moon, check the flights of bullets, blunt the hunters' knifes, break the shepherds' cudgels, cast wild fear upon all cattle, on men, on all creeping things, that they may not catch the gray wolf, that they may not rend his warm skin! My word is binding, more binding than sleep, more binding than the promise of a hero." (第一版咒语) 明月之上,茫海之上,荒岛之上 寂林之上,泛着月光的幽静牧田之上 横躺在翠绿森林中的黑白石上吧!往幽暗的山谷前进吧 就像一只狼一样在其中漫游吧 多角的魔牛在寻找着他的盟友啊 但狼并没有迈进寂静的森林 但狼并没有迈向幽暗的山谷 皎洁的明月啊! 我祈求您,让偷猎者手中的尖刀驽钝吧! 我祈求您,让牧羊人手中的木棒折断吧! 我祈求您,让所有的生物都对野外恐惧吧! 他们永远不会找到狼的踪迹 我永远离不开您给予的躯体 您的话语是无比的凛然 比万物无法抗拒的困眠更有义务感! 比豪迈地承诺成为勇士更有威严感! =============================================================== 第二版 "Spirits from the deep, who never sleep, be kind to me. Spirits from the grave, without a soul to save , be kind to me. Spirits of the trees, that grow upon the leas, be kind to me. Spirits of the air, foul and black, not fair, be kind to me. Spirits of the dead, that glide with noiseless tread, be kind to me Spirits of heat and fire, destruction in your ire, be kind to me. Spirits of cold and ice, phantoms of crime and vice, be kind to me. Wolves, Vampires, Satyrs, Ghosts! Elect of all the devilish hosts! I pray you send hither, send hither, send hither The great grey shape that makes men shiver! Shiver, shiver, shiver! Come, come, come!" "Hail, Hail, Hail, great wolf spirit, Hail! A boon I ask thee, mighty shade. Within this circle I have made. Make me a werewolf strong and bold. The terror alike of young and old. Grant me a figure tall and spare; The speed of the elk, the claws of the bear; The poison of snakes, the wit of the fox; The stealth of the wolf, the strength of the ox; The jaws of the tiger, the teeth of the shark; The eyes of a cat that sees in the dark; Make me climb like a monkey, scent like a dog; Swim like a fish, and eat like a hog. Haste, Haste, Haste, lonely spirit, Haste! Here, wan and drear, magic spell making, Findest thou me - shaking, quaking. Softly fan me as I lie. And thy mystic touch apply. Touch apply, and I swear that when I die, When I die, I will serve thee evermore, Evermore, in grey wolf land, cold and raw." "Make me a werewolf! Make me a xxx-eater! Make me a werewolf! Make me a xxxxx-eater! Make me a werewolf! Make me a xxxxx-eater! I pine for blood! xxxxx blood! Give it to me! Give it to me tonight! Great Wolf Spirit! Give it to me, and heart, body, and soul, I am yours!" "Come, spirit so powerful! come, spirit so dread. From the home of the werewolf, the home of the dead. Come, Give me thy blessing! come, lend me thine ear! Oh spirit of darkness! oh spirit so drear! Come, mighty phantom! come, great Unknown! Come from thy dwelling so gloomy and lone. Come, I beseech thee; depart from thy lair. And body and soul shall be thine, I declare. Haste, Haste, Haste, horrid spirit, Haste! Speed, Speed, Speed, scaring spirit, speed! Fast, Fast, Fast, fateful spirit, fast!" "I (insert name) offer to thee, Great spirit of the Unknown, this night of (insert date) my body and soul, on condition that thou grantest me, from this night to the hour of my death, the power of metamorphosing, nocturnally, into a wolf. I beg, I pray, I implore thee-Thee, unparalleled Phantom of Darkness, to make me a werewolf, a werewolf"! "Come, oh Come!" "Tis night! Tis night! and the moon shines white over pine and snow capped hill. The shadows stray through burn and brae and dance in the sparkling rill." Tis night! Tis night! and the devils light casts glimmering beams around. The maras dance, the nisses prance on the flower enameled ground." Tis night! Tis night! and the the werewolf’s might makes man and nature shiver. Yet its fierce grey head and stealthy tread are nought to thee, oh river! River, River, River Oh water strong, that swirls along I prithee a werewolf make me. Of all things dear, my soul, I swear, In death shall not forsake thee." (第2版咒语) 深渊之灵,永不沉睡,请对我仁慈 墓穴之灵,无可挽存,请对我仁慈 树木之灵, 生于草地,请对我仁慈 空气之灵,永无清时,请对我仁慈 死者之灵,以无声之步滑行在世,请对我仁慈 火焰之灵,以无情之火妄图毁世,请对我仁慈 冰雪之灵,以透彻之壁聚集万恶,请对我仁慈 恶之狼!贪之吸血鬼!淫之半人马!恐之幽灵! 由万恶挑选而出的选民 我祈求您来到此地 您的伟大的灰色姿态,让人颤栗 让颤栗永存于世吧 我祈求您快快来此 嘿!伟大的狼之神.我将在您到来之时屈膝! 我希望能继承您的意志 在您的巨影的笼罩下 在我所作的巨圆之中 我将蜕变成一只狼人 有如人类心中存在的那一份恐惧 伟大的狼之神,我祈求您 赐予我高大而修长之躯体 追风之迅速,巨熊之利爪 蝮蛇之忍毒,奸狐之狡猾 狼行之踪密,壮牛之强力 猛虎之颚颌,腥鲨之尖牙 伟大的狼之神,我祈求您 使我如猴可攀树,如狗可洞悉万味 如鱼能游于水中,如猪可贪婪享食 永远孤独的灵魂啊!!请快些到达! 在这由魔咒而创造出的荒芜之地 我终究会被发现 身体不停地摇晃着,颤抖着 终于支持不住而倒下,但此刻的感觉让我温暖,有如轻风吹拂 我终于与您见面,与您接触 伟大的狼之神 我发誓 从我死的时候起,将永远地效忠您 在灰色而阴冷的狼之国度 请让我成为那儿的国民,让我成为狼人吧! 好浓烈的气味,那是血!我所渴望的血! 把它给我,在今夜把它给我! 伟大的狼之神,请赐予我鲜血. 我愿以自己的心和身体,甚至灵魂拿作交换.不,奉献给你! 强大的神灵,多另人畏惧的神灵啊! 来自狼人的国土,来自死者的家园! 即将到来 请给我您的祝福 噢,黑暗的神灵啊 您是伟大的魂灵,您的力量我们永远无法知晓 从寂寞而阴暗的住处来到这儿. 我愿将自己奉贤给您 您的匆匆使生灵畏惧! 您的迅疾使众生受惊! 您是我宿命中的神灵! 我愿将自己献给您! 伟大的神灵 我将于今夜 在经过您的允许 于今晚死去 从今晚我死去的时间起 我将被赐予变身的力量 每夜,自己都会是一只狼人 我祈求您,我向您祈祷,我哀求您 您是永世无双的伟大神灵! 请让我如愿,成为一只狼人 成为一只狼人啊! 今夜 月光照耀在山秋和松上,遍地雪白 影子,因为火光而在山秋上游晃 小河中泛滥着光芒 那是恶魔的光芒 在地上泛滥着 光也被赋予了生机 在花朵上尽情的舞蹈 夜啊!夜啊!狼人的力量将使自然畏惧,使人类颤栗! 它的凶猛的姿态和隐秘的踪迹 你们永远不会了解! 啊!!通往灰色国度的河流! 湍急的水流,欲图让亡灵绝望 漩涡则像疯狂的舞员 不停地跳着舞,似乎想永远跳下去 我踏上那遥远的旅程 沿着地图的轨迹,寻找下去 我一直在祈求您 让我成为狼人 以自己的所有为代价! 我发誓,在今后,直至永远,都不会背叛您! 8-将刚杀之牲之血(以猫为佳),混和上樟脑、鸦片、茴芹子,涂抹身体 9-腰捆一狼皮制成之腰带 10-于第一个圈内跪下 11-等待火焰化为蓝色 12-若成功,愿主能怜悯汝之灵魂…
魔兽世界 狼人新手问题