古代四大发明英文介绍 中国古代四大发明英文
参考:The Four Great Inventions 四大发明 The Compass 指南针 Diagram of a Ming dynasty mariner's compass Main article: Compass The earliest reference to ism.
一篇有关中国古代四大发明的英语作文,别太长,配上中文翻译,绝对好评.The four great inventions Paper: paper is an important chemical processes, the . the compass was introduced into Europe from china.四大发明 造纸术:造纸是一项重要的.
四大发明英语简介!The Four Great Inventions 四大发明 The Compass 指南针 Diagram of a Ming dynasty mariner's compass Main article: Compass The earliest reference to ism in .
四大发明英语简短介绍The four Great Inventions in China, (paper, printing, the compass and the gunpowder,)四大发明是火药、造纸、罗盘和印刷术
四大发明英文简介看这个 www.answers/topic/four-great-inventions-of-ancient-china
四大发明(英语)指南针:compass 印刷术:printing 火药:gunpowder造纸术:papermaking
中译英 急!!! 关于四大发明的The four famous ancient Chinese scientific and technological inventions, including . the needle has been in use for the navigation disc. The invention of the compass for the.
用英语介绍四大发明来历写它的来历,时间,谁发明的,60字左右,要简单.推出年份:1978年 魔方是由匈牙利 布达佩斯商用艺术学校教师鲁比克发明的,目的是为了增强学生的三维空间想象能力. 魔方是一个正方体,每个面由9个小方块组成,.