中国现代四大发明英文 新四大发明英语怎么说
the four great inventions in china, (paper, printing, the compass and the gunpowder,)四大发明是火药、造纸、罗盘和印刷术
急. 中国四大发明、发明者、时间的英文造纸术 Papermaking 蔡伦Cai Lun 东汉元兴元年(105) Xing Yuan Han Dynasty (105) 指南针 Compass 我国劳动人民Chinese people 战国时期 Warring States period 火药 Gunpowder 我国劳动人民Chinese people 隋代 Sui Dynasty 活字印刷术 Typography 毕升 Bi Sheng 北宋庆历间(1041-1048)Song Qingli period (1041-1048)
四大发明的英文简介以及中文参考:The Four Great Inventions 四大发明 The Compass 指南针 Diagram of a Ming dynasty mariner's compass Main article: Compass The earliest reference to ism.
请帮我找一些用英语介绍中国四大发明的!!谢谢!China's four greatest inventions--the gun powder, compass, paper-making technique and photocopy technique,each of them are the proud of the Chinese and they had .
关于中国四大发明的英语作文,要简单的,80词左右,初三水平The four great inventions Paper: paper is an important chemical processes, the . into Europe from china. 四大发明 造纸术:造纸是一项重要的化学工艺,纸的发明是中国在.
四大发明及发明人英文版有翻译the Four Great Inventions compass gunpowder paper-making printing 发明人直接音译.
四大发明英语简介!The Four Great Inventions 四大发明 The Compass 指南针 Diagram of a Ming dynasty mariner's compass Main article: Compass The earliest reference to ism in .
四大发明英文简介看这个 www.answers/topic/four-great-inventions-of-ancient-china
有没有用英文介绍中国的四大发明the four great inventions of china:the compass指南针gunpowder火药paper纸printing印刷术these four discoveries had an enormous impact on the development of chinese civilization and a far-ranging global impact.