印刷术的发明英语? 北宋发明了活字印刷术
印刷术是什么时候发明的用英语回答印刷术是什么时候发明的?可翻译为: When was printing invented?相关表达: 这句话要用到被动语态的过去时形式.
印刷术的发明将是书写上的一次革命的英语The invention of printing technology will be one revolution in handwriting. The invention of printing technology will be one revolution in calligraphy.
发明印刷术的翻译是什么发明印刷术英语译为The invention of printing发明印刷术韩语译为발명 인쇄술发明印刷术日语译为発明印刷技术
我国的四大发明中的印刷术英语怎么写papermaking technology art of printing
中国4大发明用英语怎么说啊???火药=powder?活字印刷术.指南针:The compass 火药:Gunpowder 造纸术:paper-making 印刷术:printing
印刷术英语printing 答题不易,满意请采纳!有问题欢迎追问!谢谢!:)
急求印刷术的英文介绍!!!Printing is putting words and images on paper, most of the time using ink. Books and newspapers are made by printing. Printing is one of the technologies which has changed the world. It is an efficient way to multiply writing, so that copies may be made available to all people. Printing is therefore the continuation of writing by mechanical means. Writing originated after people had settled in permanent dwellings. It dates from 3,300BC, which is over 5000 .