食物与情景的简短对话 关于食物的对话
求关于食物的情景对话五脏 肝 心 脾 肺 肾 五腑 胆 小肠 胃 大肠 膀胱 五色 绿 红 黄 白 黑 无味 酸 苦 甜 辛 咸 如有疑问移动1在3不9同9的9季1节8吃3不3同5颜8色的蔬菜有补益脏器的功效的
汤姆 It's almost 12. I'm hungry. Let's go to lunch. 都快十二点了.我饿了.找个地方吃午饭吧. 海伦 You have a big appetite. I.
求一篇食物的英语对话 谢谢A:C,Where have you been those days? B:yeah,I haven't seen you for a thousand years! C:I was going on a business trip to California. A:Did you enjoy your trip there? C:Just .
英语四人food四人情景对话不明白 是不是剧本?
英语对话 食物What kind of food do you think is good for health?/ What kind of food, in your opinion, is good for health?Well, I think vegetable and grain are quite good for people's health. .
关于食物的英语对话S; Mom, could you show me how to make Chinese food today? Mother: Tell me what you like to eat today? Son: eggs with tomatoes . That is my favorite. M: ok. Let me show you. Go wash your hands first. Son: ok. M: we need two eggs. Son: how can I help you, Mom? M: you beat the eggs lightly. Then you add 1/4 t. salt , and a pinch of pepper. Son: I am done. M: now let me heat 1 tablespoon of oil in the wok. You may stir-fry the egg in the oil until set and .
急求一篇谈论食物的英语对话,字数要多A: May I have your attention, please? Hello, my dear friends. Welcome to my dinner party. The party is about to begin. Let's start eating now. B: Hi. The food is so delicious in your party. A: Thanks for your praise. Which food do you like best? B:I like the meatballs best. A: Can you tell me why? B: They're made of meat, but not like hamburgers or some have meat but bad for peoples' body. A: Oh, yes. Meatballs are delicious, but not like ice cream or chocolate.
谁可以帮我写个英文小对话,和食物有关的,不能太短..谢谢A:hey, what did u eat this morning ? your mouth is smelling. B:garlic, haha. A:dont eat that anymore. B:i have the right A:yes,you have the right but you have already made me uncomfortable. B:sorry, but it is the doctor who told me to do that. He said it'll be good for my stomach. A: you've already see the doctor? what's wrong with you? B: my stomach usually hurts. A: haha, you are fooling me? if your stomach really hurts the doctor would suggest you eating goober, .
跪求关于食物的英语口语对话!准备一些简单的词 句子就该没问题吧!比如stir-fry,stew这种how 2 cook的,spicy,mild 描述口味一类的.那天我们在讨论中国菜谱时外教说if u can explain what the Chinese dishes r 2 foreigners, they'll think u r great!
求一段关于油炸食品英语情景对话A:Mom and I got in another fight, Boris. 我又和妈妈吵架了,鲍里斯. B:Oh, Iris! What was it about this time? 哦!艾瑞斯,这次又是为了什么? A:It was over food. I simply wanted some fried chicken but she said no. 因为吃的,我不过想吃炸鸡,她都不让. B:I believe she was right. You must know that fried foods contain a lot of fat. 我觉得她没错,你也知道炸鸡脂肪含量太高. A:Oh, she keeps saying that. She never allows me to have them. 哦,她老这么.