时间所剩无几英语 我觉得左右为难英语
时间所剩无几_有道翻译 翻译结果:Time left left 英 [left] 美 [lɛft] n. 左边;左派;激进分子 v. 离开(leave的过去式) adj. 左边的;左派的;剩下的 adv. 在左面 left 左边,左,向左 keep left 靠左,不准右转,靠左行驶
答案为:left 原型 :leave
“时间所剩无几,恐怕我们不得不尽快做出决定了”,用英语怎样表示?Time is short. / There isn't much time left.We're afraid we have to make a decision as soon as possble.再看看别人怎么说的.
求翻译!!谢谢1. people have to accept the fact that the global climate is warming due to greenhouse effect. 2. it is an interesting question why metal can conduct electricity. 3. it is still .
剩下的时间不多了英文怎么说剩下的时间释义:the rest of the time在剩下的时间里 in the time remaining剩下的时间自由支配 rest of the discretionary
剩余的时间用英语怎么说theresttime还是t剩余的时间_有道词典 剩余的时间 remaining time;rest of the time更多释义>> [网络短语] 剩余的时间 Remaining Time 显示剩余的时间 wt next 剩余的开放时间 Open time remaining 详细用法>>
曲婉婷《Hideaway》中英文歌词对照曲婉婷 - HideawayHideaway You don't ask much, but when you do 你从不多问,但你. But time is running out I need to hear you say . 但是时间也所剩无几我需要听你说
毕竟我所剩无几 翻译成英文all in all,there is not much left for me.希望能帮到你
求why,or why not中英文歌词To get my happiness I had done everything But had done nothing to be blamed and . 身后的脚步声与日俱增 我终于察觉到,时间已经所剩无几 我曾相信生活,并坚持做真.
时间飞逝 用英语怎么说?Time flies