老师允许我带手机来学校改成被动语? 手机被老师没收一年
上学时不允许我们用手机,这句用被动语语态翻译成英文.谢.1 after the war, a lot of food were sent to that country2 his story was heard everyone . i think that pocket money should be given high school students5 people everywhere, you .
study hard is the things that our teacher asks us to do
如果你带手机来学校,老师就不让你进去.翻译成英语if you bring your mobile phone to school , the teacher won't let you in.
将下列句子变为被动语态.1、We·ll put on an English play in our school.An English play will be put on by us in our school. The flowers must be watered by us every day. Knives are used for cutting things by them. The farmers was made to work for a.
因为带手机被老师教育,怎么写道歉信两个,自己选 一个吧 敬爱的老师 我不对,我有错,我辜负了父母的期望,老师的教诲,学校的培养. 本来上课应该注意听讲记好笔记,下课钻研问题的勤奋精神.而我学习不认真的态度真是让我感到惭愧!我对学习觉悟不深.在写检讨书的同时,我真正意识到了我的缺点,错误.再次,我这种行为还在学校同学间造成了及其坏的影响,破坏了学校的形象.同学之间本应该互相学习,互相促进,而我这种表现,给同学们带了一个坏头,不利于学校和院系的.
老师不允许学生带手机(翻译成英语)主动语态 Teachers don't allow students to bring their mobile phones to the sahool. 被动语态 Students aren't allowed to bring their mobiles to the school by teachers. 不会的可以继续问我哦亲~~~~
把以下句子改为被动句 我们的学校绿书环绕 明天的会议上.我们的学校绿书环绕 Our school is surrounded by green trees. 明天的会议上将讨论这个问题 The question will be discussed in the meeting tomorrow. 我们班的英语课是张老师教的 Our English classes are taught by Teacher Zhang. 那个小偷没有被抓住 The thief hasn't been caught. 我的车还没有修好 My car hasn't been fixed. 花园已经被浇过水了 The garden has been watered. 垃圾筐每天都应该被倒空 The dustbin should be dumped empty every .
用被动语态翻译下列句子 1、我们必须每天吃三次药 2、我们不能带手.1、我们必须每天吃三次药 The medicines must be takenthree times (by us )everyday 2、我们不能带手机入场 Mobile phones can't be taken into the room 有不会的可以再问我