我爸爸的电脑坏了英语 我的电脑坏了英文四种
The mother line, wandering onto clothing, the love of parents. Departure thick seam, . When I was little I really love my mom and dad, but since the school since I think they .
How can we get together with each othersAs the development of our policy of family planing, more and more children become loney.They spent most of their time with their .
完成句子 翻译 我父亲的电脑因前几天感染了病毒而不能工作了. 考试时要仔细看清楚问题,否则那可能会出错我父亲的电脑因前几天感染了病毒而不能工作了.My father's computer can't work because it was infected by a virus a few days ago. 考试时要仔细看清楚问题,否则那可能.
我的电脑坏了用英语怎么说的4种翻译1、My computer doesn't work.2、My computer stop working.3、My computer has broken down.4、My computer was broken.百度翻译提供即时免费的多语种文本翻译和网页翻译服务,支持中、英、日、韩、泰、法、西、德等28种热门语言互译,覆盖756个翻译方向.
我的电脑坏了用四种英语说出来?1. My computer is broken.2. My computer is not functioning.3. My computer is not working.4. My computer is down.
我的电脑出了故障用英语说有哪四种说法我的电脑出了故障 My computer is out of order 我的电脑出了故障 My computer is out of order
我家的电脑系统坏了~!Can you heip me?你是是清空了最近防问过的文档?或用优化大师之类的软件清理过了???没有系统文件不见了!
求一篇英语作文 家乡的变化My hometown is a poor town. Many years ago, people lived a poor life. They lived in the old houses. The pollution was serious, there was rubbish everywhere. And it wasn't .
我的爸爸是一位工人,他能修机器的英文My farter is a worker,he can fix machines.My father is a mechanic.