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How To Make Jeans Look Worn OutWorn out jeans have always been and will continue to remain in vogue, especially amongst teenagers. Such is the craze for a 'worn out' look that to many people, their brand new pair of jeans looks somewhat drab and featureless. Giving a lived-in look to your jeans becomes important to make a funky fashion statement. However, it is not a child’s play to make your jeans look fashionably worn. Rather, you have to be careful to give a 'lived in' and not 'washed in' look. This article comes up with some very cool tips on how to make your jeans look worn out. Go through and try them to get that cool and much wanted look for your denims. 破牛仔裤一直并将继续成为时尚达人的宠儿。休闲时尚玩得滚瓜烂熟的潮人,对破牛仔的喜爱纯粹从摩登的视觉效果出发,他们也就可以把破牛仔裤穿得格外轻松,格外时尚。但是,让你的破牛仔裤看起来很潮,而且破的很自然并不容易。这篇文章就教你怎样把普通牛仔裤改成时尚的破旧牛仔裤!DIY,玩转流行! How To Give Jeans A Worn Look如何制作破洞牛仔裤 Use a Cheese GraterYou need to add wear at the right places on your jeans, to make them appear naturally worn out and not washed out because of some freaky experiment. Knees and leg bottoms are the most common areas for the wear to appear. Get yourself a handheld cheese grater, keeping these places in mind. Start scarping away at your pants. Stop after regular intervals, to check your progress. Take care that the scrape marks are not consistent, or they can spoil the look. The random the wear, the more naturally worn out your jeans will look.用磨碎器摩擦用磨碎器可以把牛仔裤做旧,其目的是要追求自然的“破”,因此当我们DIY破洞的时候,要选择合适的位置。比如大腿、膝盖和后袋处,本来就是牛仔裤最容易被穿破的部位,DIY破洞也多选择于此。用磨碎器在你的牛仔裤上一遍一遍地磨,但是要确保摩擦的痕迹要很随意,这样牛仔裤的破洞才能看起来很自然。Do PatchworkYour jeans will never look perfectly worn out without the very essential patches. Add a hole or two in your jeans. This can be easily done on your own, even on a new pair of jeans. You can also add long tears across the knee of your jeans, to give it a worn look, or you can put a few small random holes in the front of your jeans and then patch them up. However, make sure that you don’t go overboard with the patchwork or you might end up ruining your new jeans in the process. Four or five patches in each of the legs would be enough to make your jeans look worn.拼接补丁带有补丁的牛仔裤,多元素的方块铺陈,给人们留下完美的印象!深浅不一的颜色,是拼接补丁最大的特色。拼接补丁其实很简单。在你的牛仔裤上添加几个小洞,然后把他们拼接起来。动手之前,先要规划好补丁的位置,一般在裤腿处,避免乱拼接一通,否则看起来就多少有点乞丐味儿了。 Use Rocks To make your jeans look naturally worn out, you can also use rocks. Find a rock with a sharp edge to it. Rub the sharp edge of the rock against the front side of your jeans, at the thigh and the knee area, to add some wear. Don’t leave the back side of the jeans completely untouched. Use rock on the back side as well, but remember, not to over do it. A metal kitchen scraper or a fork can also be used, if you don’t have a rock. Anything with sharp or rough edges can be used to give the worn out look to your jeans as well.石磨 石磨也可以使你的牛仔裤看上去自然磨损。找一个刃口锋利的石头,用它在牛仔裤正面的大腿和膝盖处磨损。别忘了牛仔裤后面也要用石头轻轻磨一磨。刮刀或叉子也可以代替石头。, Bleach With Strong DetergentsThis is yet another easy way to add a lived-in or used look to your jeans. You can wash you jeans with chemically strong detergents, to give them a slightly faded appearance, which is just so vital for a worn out look. It would be even better if you wash the jeans unevenly, so that the faded look comes in parts and does not cover the whole of it. 漂白 (使用性能较强的漂白剂) 漂白也能增加牛仔裤破旧的效果。用性能较强的漂白剂洗牛仔裤,可以让它轻微褪色,达到破旧的外观。如果不均匀的漂洗效果会更佳哦!(听力课堂网Kris翻译)




