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what dose franzzi mean ?

what does “repeat”mean?该怎么回答

what dose franzzi mean ?

do it again再看看别人怎么说的.

what does nigger mean中文译文


what does it mean?

what does that mean 是对的 what is that mean 是错误的,mean是动词 不能再用is

what does clever mean

what does clever mean聪明的意思是什么clever英[ˈklevə(r)]美[ˈklɛvɚ]adj.聪明的,灵巧的; 英俊的,风采优雅的; 性情温良的; 油腔滑调的网络聪明; 机智; 神You really are quite a clever little thing.你真是个聪明的小家伙An elegant, clever and tough woman of the world优雅、聪明、顽强并且阅历丰富的女人

What does clever mean 是什么意思

你好!What does clever mean 意思是:聪明是什么意思 clever是聪明的意思 mean代表.的意思 请采纳 谢谢 记得给问豆啊!

你好,请问what does "modem" mean?是什么意思


what does it mean等于什么?

what's the meaning of it?对的.what's the means[=way] about it ?不对.

What does it mean 是什么意思?

What does it mean=What it means 这是什么意思

What does your mean?和what do you mean 哪个对?为什么?.


What does ''tall'' mean?对吗?如对,怎么回答.

It means 高的它的意思是'高的' What does ''tall'' mean? 这样问是对的 It means 高的. 这样回答更是对的