十七大报告指出:我们党的三大历史任务是什么? 答:继续推进现代化建设、完成祖国统一、维护世界和平和促进共同发展 .
新年元旦[01/01] 腊八节[农历十二月初八] 世界湿地日[02/02] 国际气象节[02/10] 情人节[02/14] 除夕[农历十二月三十] 春节[农历正月初一] 元宵节[农历正月十五] 全国爱耳日[03/03] 妇女节[03/08] 植树节[03/12] 国际警察日[03/14] 国际消费日[03/15] 世界森林日[03/21] 世界水日[03/22] 世界气象日[03/23] 世界防治结核病日[03/24] 愚人节[04/01] 清明[04/05] 世界卫生日[04/07] 世界地球日[04/22] 国际劳动节[05/01] 中国青年节[05/04] 全国碘缺乏病日[05/05] 世界红十字日[05/08] 国际护士节[05/12] 国际家庭日[05/15] 世界电信日[05/17] 国际博物馆日[05/18] 全国助残日[05/19] 全国学生营养日[05/20] 国际生物多样性日[05/22] 国际牛奶日[05/23] 世界无烟日[05/31] 端午节[农历五月初五] 母亲节[第二个星期日] 国际儿童节[06/01] 世界环境日[06/05] 全国爱眼日[06/06] 端午节[06/15] 父亲节[第三个星期日] 防治荒漠化和干旱日[06/17] 国际奥林匹克日[06/23] 全国土地日[06/25] 国际反毒品日[06/26] 香港回归日[07/01] 七夕情人节[农历七月初七] 建党日[07/01] 中国人民抗日战争纪念日[07/07] 世界人口日[07/11] 八一建军节[08/01] 劳动节[09/02] 国际扫盲日[09/08] 教师节[09/10] 国际臭氧层保护日[09/16] 国际和平日[09/17] 国际爱牙日[09/20] 中秋节[农历八月十五] 国际聋人节[09/22] 世界旅游日[09/27] 重阳节[农历九月九日] 国庆节[10/01] 国际音乐节[10/01] 国际减轻自然灾害日[10/02] 世界动物日[10/04] 国际住房日[10/07] 全国高血压日[10/08] 世界视觉日[10/08] 世界邮政日[10/09] 世界精神卫生日[10/10] 国际盲人节[10/15] 世界粮食节[10/16] 世界消除贫困日[10/17] 世界传统医药日[10/22] 联合国日[10/24] 万圣节[10/31] 中国记者日[11/08] 消防宣传日[11/09] 世界糖尿病日[11/14] 国际大学生节[11/17] 感恩节[11/28] 冬至节[农历12月22日] 世界艾滋病日[12/01] 世界残疾人日[12/03] 世界足球日[12/09] 圣诞节[12/25]
On the domestic leisure travel vacation the present economic situation of and countermeasures
Leisure travel vacation will not only meet people's spiritual needs, more industry-led social needs, as a model of the development of new industries. According to statistics, in China, Beijing and Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other major cities will be the first to enter the economic and social leisure. Leisure economy will become the largest city of the new trends in economic development and growth. By the financial turmoil in 2008 to address the employment pressure has become my
Country a pressing task, and the leisure tourist resort for the promotion of economic growth in the economy, expanding domestic demand, to meet the consumer to resolve the employment, building a well-off society, to carry out the building of spiritual civilization and improve the quality of all aspects of national significance. Leisure tourist resort in the future as a major leisure activity, leisure holiday industry in the future will conform to the requirements of the times of a mainstream industry. Leisure travel vacation for a series of impact arising from the study is to develop an integral part of the economy in Guangxi, as the leisure tourist resort is a trend, and then embarked on the development of Guangxi will also travel the road vacation.
Leisure travel vacation; leisure; economy; to resolve the employment pressure; new industry model