我长的怎么样英语 现在我长高了英语
How do you look like?你长得怎样 what are your character?你的性格怎样 这些单词在百度词典都有的,自己去找找吧.dict.baidu/
i'm ordinary-looking.
我的外貌特征英文怎么写我的外貌特征My appearance characteristics双语例句1我会进监狱,太可怕了,我的外貌特征很明显.I'm going to prison. that'll be bad. I have delicate features. 2蜜蜂小姐把眼镜向鼻子上扶了扶说道,如果商店失窃,我好向治安官描述你的外貌特征.She pushed her glasses up her nose. I want to be able to describe you to the sheriff if something goes missing from the store.
英语作文某人长得怎么样5句I have a friend named Hanyujing. Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament. She is interested in singing and dancing. She has participated .
怎么样用英语怎么说how .? how r u ? 最近怎么样? (寒暄) how far. 多远? how long .多长? ..
“长”用英语怎么读长 长[简明汉英词典] [zhǎng] 1. be good at 2. lasting 3. length 4. long 词条指正 - Google 搜索
长的英语怎么写长 多音字:[cháng] [zhǎng] [形] long; forever; lasting; [名] length; strong point; forte; a surname; [动] (对某事做得特别好; 擅长) be good at; be strong in; [例句]他驱车从又长又陡的车道驶下.He drove down the long, steeply angled driveway.
我将会长成什么样 英语怎么说2种说法我将会长成什么样 What will I be英 [wil] 美 [wɪl] n. 愿意; 意志(力); [法]遗嘱; vt. 决心要; 将(财产等)遗赠某人; 用意志力驱使(某事发生); vi. 愿意, 希望, 想要; aux. 将,将会; 会,要;
英语 某人长得怎么样 结构 回答what does sb. look like? / how does sb. look?what's sb. like?
他长得怎么样?用英语要三种!!!答案是:what's his appearance?what does he look like ?what is he like?