一个治愈故事求原文(求原文 a king)
求原文 a king
A long time ago there lived a very rich and powerful king. All the people in his kingdom were afraid of him. But was he happy? No, he was always ill and unhappy. His money and power could not help him. The doctor in his kingdom could not cure (治愈)him,either. He was so angry with them that he cut off their heads.
One day two famous doctors from another kingdom came to his palace.
“If you can cure me and make me happy,”said the king, “I will give you all the gold you can carry.”
The first doctor looked over the king. He found nothing wrong with him.
“You are a very healthy man, Your Majesty(陛下).” said the doctor. “You only thinkyou are ill and so make yourself unhappy.”
The king was very angry when he heard this. He told his soldiers to cut off the doctor’s head.
The second doctor knew he had to be careful. “Oh, king. You will be well if you wear the shoes of a man who is always happy.”he said. The king was pleased with his answer and thought that the doctor was very wise . He gave the doctor a bag of gold.
The king asked hundreds of people if they were always happy. They all said they were sometimes happy and sometimes sad. At last he met a beggar (乞丐)who said that he was always happy.
“Give me your shoes quickly.” said the king, “And I will make you a very rich man.” The beggar laughed, “I am sorry,” he answered, “I never wear shoes!”
《背后灵兄,我错了!》BY倾凤茗玥 (快穿 系统 神怪 神通广大阿飘攻X天才写手受 HE) 《成为系统的监护人》BY羽小树(异世大陆 三观略不正的大神写手攻VS杀伤力凶残的软萌系统受 温馨无虐 快穿 穿越 系统 HE) 《给我一个吻》BY泗火1993(异世穿越 各种攻vs热爱演戏执着受 受穿越扮演各个角色攻略各路攻君的故事 快穿有CP1V1 HE) 《汉子你威武雄壮》BY耳听为真 (异世架空 快穿 精英忠犬攻X屌丝蠢呆受 穿越各个世界所攻略的对象实际上是同一个人 狗血 HE) 《好人卡出没》BY羽小树 (现代 快穿 系统 外表冷艳高贵内心呆萌攻X外表温柔善良内心吐槽受 互宠 主受 轻松欢脱 HE) 《据说HE就完结/每个月总有那么几天肚子会变大》BY白墨楼 (末世架空 NP 想做攻却总被压的呆萌总受的故事 快穿 ABO 有肉 生子 轻松 HE) 《快穿之宿主不听话》BY半夜森林 (系统快穿 主神系统VS多情散仙 互攻 强强 无聊之人互相调戏 温馨 HE) 《每日都与蠢系统在穿越》BY一朵白云飘啊飘(异世大陆 外高冷实则逗比受 主受 快穿 系统 虐渣 HE) 《男神攻略系统》BY拒治疗(异世大陆 各个时间空间精分攻VS重生呆受 系统 快穿 HE) 《男主他总会弯》BY宝典 (快穿 低情商精分攻X善良小白受 一个包含古代末世魔法娱乐圈修真兽人世界的男主养成游戏 HE) 《其实我是一个作者》BY饮弓 (无限流快穿 霸道主角攻X吐槽狂魔作者受 第一人称主受 欢脱向吐槽文 HE)
《我原来是个神经病》完结精校版+番外by西子绪.txt:http://dl.jdxiazai/file/21894135-414477084选普通下载就行 不求别的只求点赞!
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Yat busy in
Solipsistic world
Circles. Do not
Further Review
feel nostalgic,
I do not want
Those ones
Too far away,
Only in this way
When the moment
I'm the best
When Yang Xin Jing,
Their music,
Does not necessarily
It is a free and easy.