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《舞蹈》(法文: La Danse;英文: The Dance) 1856年 巴黎 奥赛博物馆

《编织女孩》(法文: La Couseuse;英文: The Knitting Girl) 1869年 内布拉斯加州奥马哈 乔斯林美术馆(Joslyn Art Museum)

《宁芙与萨堤尔》(法文: Nymphes et Satyr) 1873 美国马萨诸塞州威廉姆斯顿 克拉克美术研究所 (Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts)

《维纳斯的诞生》(The Birth of Venus) 1879年 巴黎 奥塞美术馆

《暮色心境》(法文:Le crepuscule, 英文:Evening Mood 又译 Twilight) 1882年 私人收藏

《白昼》(法文: Le Jour;英文: Day) 1881年 私人收藏

《收集核果者》(法语: Les Noisettes;英文: The Nut Gatherers) 1882年 底特律艺术研究所

《年轻的牧羊女》(法文: Jeune Bergère;英文: Young Shepherdess ) 1885年 美国加州圣地牙哥艺术博物馆 (San Diego Museum of Art)

《春回》(法文:Le Printemps,英文:The Return of Spring) 1886年 内布拉斯加州奥马哈 乔斯林美术馆(Joslyn Art Museum)

《牧羊女》(法文: Pastourelle;英文: The Shepherdess) 1889年 美国奥克拉荷马州图尔萨 菲尔布鲁克艺术博物馆(The Philbrook Museum of Art)

《儿时的丘比特和赛琪》(法文: L'Amour et Psyche, enfants;英文: Amor and Psyche, children) 1890年 私人收藏

《波希米亚女孩》(英文: The Bohemian) 1890年 美国明尼阿波利斯 明尼苏达艺术研究所(Minneapolis Institute of Arts)




Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen, Germany

Art Institute of Chicago

Jean Arp at the Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan

Guggenheim Museum, New York City

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C.

Musee d'Art Roger-Quilliot, Clermont-Ferrand, France (mostly in French)

Silencieux, 1942 (Zoom)

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Museum of Modern Art, New York City

6 works by Jean Arp online

National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh

Jean Arp at the National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.

Oriforme, 1962

National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Plastron et fourchette [Shirtfront and fork]

National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

Cyprian Sculpture

Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, California

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice

Overturned Blue Shoe with Two Heels Under a Black Vault, ca.1925

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice

5 works online

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice

Head and Shell, ca.1933

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

Arken Museum of Modern Art, Denmark

Armand Hammer Museum of Art at UCLA, California

Fruit hybride dit la Pagode (Hybrid Fruit Called Pagoda), 1934

Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio

Dallas Museum of Art, Texas

2 sculptures online

Fundació Suñol, Barcelona

Gallerie di Palazzo Leoni Montanari, Vicenza, Italy

GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin

Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg

Move the date slider forward to about 1950 to see an abstract sculpture by Arp

Haifa Museum, Haifa, Israel

Harvard University Art Museums, Massachusetts

Indiana University Art Museum, Bloomington - Provenance Research Project

Crown of Buds II, bronze, 1936

Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, Netherlands

Kunsthaus Zurich

Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Germany (in German)

Torse de chorée, 1961

Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland

Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Switzerland (in German)

Kobra-Kentaur, 1952

Jean Arp in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Database

Museum of Modern Art, New York City - Provenance Research Project 3 works by Arp

Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, Texas

National Gallery of Victoria, Australia

Palm Springs Desert Museum, California -Tete De Lutin Dite "Kaspar", 1959

Philadelphia Museum of Art

(Tip: On the zoom-in page, use the slider bar to magnify the image) 3 works by Jean Arp online

Pomona College Museum of Art, California

Click on "View objects by this artist"

Portland Museum of Art, Maine

Reina Sofía National Museum, Madrid (in Spanish)

Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium Catalogue (in French) Mirr, 1936

Smith College Museum of Art, Massachusetts

Tate Gallery, London, UK

Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal, Germany (in German)

Walker Art Center, Minnesota

Winnipeg Art Gallery, Manitoba




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