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看牙医用英语怎么说see a dentist
进口品牌:3M LAVA,泽康,威兰德,日进 国产品牌:爱尔创,爱迪特
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汉译英. 1.看医生/牙医 2. 搜狗问问1. see a doctor / dentist 2. get / have a cold ?3. have a toothache 4. have a headache ?5. have a fever 6. lie down and rest 7. drink lots of water 8. drink hot tea with honey ?9. .
牙科常用词俄语译文牙科常用词如下:1. 口:рот2. 舌头 :язык3. 舌根 :коронка языка4. 牙齿 :Зуб5. 牙本质: Дентин6. 牙髓腔 :Полость .
翻译英文(口腔科)After graduated from College of Oral Medicine, I worked in the out-patient clinic of the hospital and was mainly conducting root canal therapy. Half year later, I was transferred to the in-patient of Orthopedic Surgery , and was mainly responsible for the treatment of orthopedic trauma, shock, and bone transplanting, with focus on the transplanting of ribs and iliums. 伙计你这转行转大发了.
深圳南山区有没有好点,优惠点的牙科医院啊?高端的有赛德阳光,但是比较贵,起步价3万5 ,还有慈恩也是,中间的乐莎莎口腔,贝齿这些,实惠性价比比较高,便宜的科赫、诺德这些.矫正主要还是看医生,医生技术,经验才是关键.