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用python写凯撒密码 python编写凯撒代码简单


# codinng=utf-8 x = 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z'.split(' ') y = 'n o p q r s . 键为原字符串, 值为加密字符串# 定义凯撒加密函数, 输入字符串, 输出凯撒加密.

用python写凯撒密码 python编写凯撒代码简单

如何用python编写凯撒密码 ?



s = raw_input('[开始加密]please input your str:') s = list(s) n = 0 for sw in s: s[n] = chr(ord(sw)+3) n = n + 1 sout = '' for sw2 in s: sout = sout + sw2 print '[加密结果]:',sout解密的类似,主要用到ord、chr函数.


def caesar_cipher(s, key=2): return ''.join((chr(ord(ch) + key) for ch in s))

Python 程序编程问题,凯撒密码

def use_list(): str_before=input("请输入明文:") str_change=str_before.lower() str_list=list(str_change) str_list_change=str_list i=0 whilei iford(str_list[i]) str_list_change[i]=chr(ord(str_list[i])+3) else: str_list_change[i]=chr(ord(str_list[i]-23) i=i+1 print(str_list_change) print("".join(str_list_change)) use_list


//1. math.ceil()用作向上取整. <br><br>//2. math.floor()用作向下取整. <br> alert(math.ceil(10/3));//4 <br><br>alert(math.floor(10/3));//3 <br>alert(math.round(10/3));//3


输入:CAT 输出:DBU import string def caesar_shift(s): # Write your code here # To print results to the standard output you can use print # Example: print "Hello world!" table = string.maketrans(string.ascii_uppercase, string.asc.

python 凯撒加密算法怎么分段


凯撒密码 求编程.语言不限.

#include#include int main() { int i,k=0; char s[1000]; scanf("%d%*c", &k); gets(s); for( i=0;s[i]!='\0';i++ ) { if ( s[i]>='a' && s[i] { s[i] += k ; if ( s[i] > 'z' ) s[i]='a'+(s[i]-'z'-1) ; } else if .


#include<stdio.h> main() { char x; while((x=getchar())!='\n') { if((x>='A'&&x<='Z')||(x>='a'&&x<='z')) x=x+4; { if(x>'['&&x<='^') x=x-26; } if(x>'{'&&x<='~') x=x-26; printf("%c\n",x); } 看看这样可以不呵呵