C++编译出错lvalue required as left operand of ass...?
这个C编译错误提示什么意思.lvalue required as left operand of assignment
运算符优先级问题,=号的优先级低于?:运算符,i == n?head->next=NULL:head->next = p;相当于(i == n?head->next=NULL:head->next) = p;head->next = p需要用括号括起来,改成i == n?(head->next=NULL):(head->next = p);
c语言 提示:lvalue required as left operand of assignment
下面程序运行后,出现Lvalue required as left operand of assignment.
#include<stdio.h> int f(int n) { int result = 0; if(n<=2) result = 1; else result=f(n-1)+f(n-2); return result; } int main() { int n; printf("请输入月份:\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("第个%d月的兔子总量为:%d\n",n,f(n)); return 0; }
C语言 lvalue required错误问题
字符数组赋值不要用=,除了初始化的时候 应该用strncpy或者strcpy函数 strcpy(p->name, "ZHANG");
8|error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment, C语言编译,下面是小白的代码,求解释!急!
将w%2=0改成w%2==0 ps在判断的时候一定要注意区分==与=.比如if(a=0)..;编译器是不报错的.
c++出现lvalue required as left operand of assignment错误
#include <iostream>#include<string> using namespace std; class MyStr { public: MyStr(int n ) //定义构造函数{ p =string(n, ' ');} //<--p必须初始化,分配空间 int Find(char ch).
求教:C++中lvalue required as left operand of assignment 是什么错误????
12 12 [Error] lvalue required as left operand of assignment 编程出现这个怎么办
if(year%4==0) if(year%100!=0)leap=1; else if(year%400)==0)leap=1; if(leap)printf("%d",year);记住,比较的时候用==
c语言 for(j=4;j>=0;j--) [Error] lvalue required as left operand of assignment
[c]调试程序中Lvalue required这句话是什么意思?
C中有左值和右值得概念,一般在赋值左边的叫做左值 你查看一下是不是把一个值赋给了常量之类的东西