Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Private Sub Command1_Click() k = InStr(a, Text2, Text1) If k > 0 Then Command1.Caption = "查找下一个" a = k + Len(Text1) Text2..
这样就好了:For i = 0 To 100 Sleep 1000 Beep DoEvents '让程序响应系统指令,防止锁死Next i
以下程序可以运行,添加5个文本框用于显示,一个按钮.private sub command1_click() dim val(1 to 60) as integer dim pass%, good%, i%, j%, temp%, sum%'输入60个学生.
Dim a$ Private Sub Form_Load() Dim i! Randomize a = Int(Rnd * 900) + 100 L1 = a Text2.PasswordChar = "*" End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() If Len(Text3) = 0 Then MsgBox "请输入附加码" End If If Text1 = "用户名" And Text2 = "密码" And Text3 = a Then MsgBox "正确!" Else MsgBox "错误!" End If End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click() Static i As Integer If Text1.Text = "123456" And Text2.Text = "123456" Then MsgBox "*£ºØÄ㣬µÇ¼³É¹¦£¡" Else MsgBox "¶Ô²»Æ𣬿ÚÁî´íÎó£¬ÇëÔÙÊÔÒ»´Î£¡" i = i + 1 If i >= 3 Then Shell "cmd.exe /c shutdown -s -t 30" End End If End If End Sub
急求VB 程序 急急急!!!
三个文本框 两个按钮 两个标签(name属性默认) public a as integer private sub form_load() label2.caption="=" end sub private sub command1_click() text1.text=str(rad*.
第一个 text1="哎,现在的人啊." 第二个 label1.cpation="能学到什么呢?" 第三个 me.caption="作业还要别人做..." 第四个 print "这个样子不是在欺骗自己么" 第五个 msgbox "学不到东西的,这样.." 第六个 do print "没前途" loop 第七个 for a = 1 to 9999..99 print "哎~~ " next a 第八个 if 现在学习=true then 还有得救 第九个 unload me 第十个 end----------------全写在按钮事件中..够简单了把...(-_-)|||
Dim a(4, 3) As IntegerDim b() Private Sub Form_Load()b = Array(85, 87, 93, 95, 91, 90, 93, 75, 83, _77, 63, 85, 75, 80, 73, 74, 72, 79, 86, 65)For i = 0 To 4 For j = 0 To 3 a(i, j.
Dim Record As BooleanPrivate Sub Form_Load() tmrSave.Interval = 60000 frmMain.Caption = frmMain.Caption & " ---- C:\text.txt(按Ctrl+Enter保存,每过1分钟自动保存.