vba取数组中的最大值 vba 求最大最小数
假如数组为 arr 最大值为:Application.Max(arr)
VB建立一个子过程,求数组中的最大值'给你用过程写,其实应该用函数写的,试一下 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim. ismax getmax, arr Print "最大值:"; getmax End Sub Sub ismax(getmax, arr) Dim.
VB中怎么求一个二维数组的最大值.求简单代码.初始界面: 代码: private sub command1_click() dim a(1 to 3, 1 to 4) as integer dim i as integer, j as integer, max as integer, min as integer print "随机初始化的二维数组.
VB从数组中找出最大最小值及其位置代码查找数组中的最大值、最小值 及其位置 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim I As Long, Zu() As Single, nMax As Long, nMin As Long, nStr As String ReDim Zu(1 To 10) For .
Excel VBA 找一列数据中的最大值和最小值 用VBA代码应该怎么写阿sub test() dim i as integer for i = 30 to 1 step -1 if cells(i, 1) = "" then rows(i).delete next i end sub
VB程序 选取五个值中的最大值dim Shu(5) as long,i as integer shu(1)=a shu(2)=b shu(3)=c shu(4)=d shu(5)=e shu(0)=1 for i=2 to 5 if shu(i)>shu(shu(0)) then shu(0)=i endif next print "最大数是";shu(shu(0))
请教怎样用VBA统计单元格区域中的最大值和最小值1,函数法.直接用max()和min()函数求得最大值和最小值!2.VBA法.sub aa...range("A1")=application.max()...next
编写函数,求一组数据(数组)当中的最大值,并在main函数中调用它#include <stdio.h> int max(int *an, int len) { int i,max_t; max_t = *(an++); for(i=1; i<len; an++, i++) max_t = max_t > *an ? max_t : *an; return max_t; } int main(void) { int an[4] = {0, 1, 5, 3}; printf("MAX = %d\n", max(an, 4)); return 0; }