- 英国卫裤是骗局吗3.15
- 我打算加盟一个叫做新客的品牌项目,他们说让我过去考察,请问有去过的么,这个项目怎么样啊。
- 根据下文,用英语写出你是否同意他的观点,并简要说明为什么同意或不同意
- 新理念大学英语第二版听说教程第二册求详细答案
1. 这个商品确实是有卖的,所以这个品牌在英国是存在的。所以应该不像很多所谓的意大利品牌一样,是假洋品牌。
2. 但是,我找不到这个品牌的官方网站。网站介绍在欧美是尤为重要的,没有网站以为着受众面不大。
3. 英国亚马逊上价格基本上时10镑(100元人民币)一条。购买人数相对很少。
4. 我在英国这么多年,看过这么多商场,从来没听说过也没见过这个东西。
公司是正规公司, 楼下也有直营店,我之前去过是帮我朋友看的, 现在我朋友在长春做的这个项目70多平米。
At first glance, the new discovery does appear to support the hypothesis that pots migrates with the pot makers, however, further analysis suggests just the contrary.
First, it is reasonable to assume that compared to the entire population, migrating pot makers represent only a small percentage. Secondly, after migrating to a certain area, a pot maker is bound to spread pots, and thus ingested metals to that area. Lastly, pottery-making, like all other technology, must spread. It is difficult to assume that a prehistoric tribe would let a pot-maker go, since pots would doubtlessly generate a lot of profit in trade when other tribes do not have such technology.
With these assumptions, if pot makers migrated and brought the technique with them, the new tribe would gain such a technique, and thus all children in said tribe would ingest heavy metals since early childhood, and thus be no different in terms of bone-metal density than the pot makers, and thus the people who migrated to a new place after childhood would not have a significantly higher metallic element in their skeleton than those that did not migrate. On the other hand, if these immigrants came from pot-making tribes, but when traded to tribes without pots, it is natural that their bones would have a significantly higher metal content than average in that area.
Moreover, bones with high metallic contents found near pots can only indicate that pots are the cause of high metallic elements in the human skeleton, but does nothing to unveil the source of these pots. Whether they were traded or made, as long as the pots are present, so would the high metallic components.
Thus, the discoveries above support the hypothesis that pots were spread by trade, not migration.
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