大神翻译英文怎么写 中国的英文怎么写
The planning mainly adopts modern design adornment gimmick, didn't do too much in the space shape, but the lighting, ventilation, vision, and the atmosphere of the build in the first, to build a serene habitat
i am standing at the edge of the world watching the centre of it. powerless and effortless to change anything. we are just observers, eyewitnessing each and every tragedy and.
求英语大神!英语单词interaction怎么读?这个本来就不能连起来的啊,是合成词 inter- 是一个词根,表示互相的 后面加上action才形成interaction
求大神翻译成英文!in the last few years of 15th century columbus founded america. many europeans went to america. in the early 17th century the first group of british immigrants arrived in north .
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求大神翻译.翻译成英文是 perilla deep degree judge ren fengxiang mansion section, zhangzihou to bakeries, try with yongxing jinshi. liu father is handsome, in order to catch the meet it, .
求大神翻译英语!拜谢The main character in the story black proposal Ichigo (Kurosaki Ichigo), 15 years old, hair color orange, pupil color brown. Career: students, stunt is: can see ghost. The story .
高手的英语怎么说master=hand /ace
求英语大神翻译Three years ago, with a dream and look forward to, we walked all the way.Three years later, standing in front of another hope looking back over its shoulder,Can't help but wonder, that all the way thorns but all turned out to be a blooming rose.
求英文大神!!翻译一段英文的意思A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you,only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to leave.全文应该是这样吧?请看译文:生活的一件忧愁的事物是当你遇到对你意谓很多的某人的时候,不料竟会最后发现不是你想象中的那样,而且你仅仅必须离开.意译:终于能和一个对自己很在意的人有个交集,交往一段时间,却发现原来只是自己一厢情愿,最后只能黯然神伤.暗恋的人,通常伤的是自己.