大神英文翻译 一级大神用英语怎么说
a great god
Guru我觉得这个比较贴切.另外还有 master, legend比如游戏大神,英语常说game guru (指玩游戏的高手、大家)他是神般的存在:he's a legend.master 就是 大师 的意思了.供参考
大神英文怎么写?Great God 谷歌翻译Okami manito 百度翻译个人觉得度娘较靠谱
求大神翻译成英文In January 9, 2007," the closest to God 's CEO" Steve Jobs brings the first generation iphone. Since then, the world began to change. IPhone is the world's best mobile .
大神两个字用英文怎么翻译the god
求大神,英文翻译The planning mainly adopts modern design adornment gimmick, didn't do too much in the space shape, but the lighting, ventilation, vision, and the atmosphere of the build in the first, to build a serene habitat
叫我大神的英语怎么读? 急求英文原文:Call me dazen.英式音标:[kɔːl] [miː] dazen . 美式音标:[kɔl] [mi] dazen .
求大神翻译成英文!!!!"Today we are going to learn lesson 8 paragraph 14 content""Next, I want the third paragraph of the content"
求大神翻译成英文!!!感激不尽!!!You know, I will believe you no matter what time where what happened. Because you are very important to me.Just like family. I hope no matter how long I can in front of you unbridled madness. You the same I also constant.I love you my important family