求翻译,最后一句话 翻译一句话
更新时间:2021-11-22 02:31:48 • 作者:JULIO •阅读 1715
in the fact of hottly learning chinese oversea now, on the one hand, due to China's rapid economic development make the rise of national self-confidence . on the other hand, it's beacause the increasing of the need of cross-cultural communication under the globalization situation .
义武奋扬 跳梁者 虽强必戮????
随机的善行是具感染力的。 如果你是其中一位受惠的司机,发现有人给你代付了过桥费,说不定也启发到你,令你日后去为别人做些什么。就像所有壮举一样,行善是从一点一滴、一宗一件开始的。 那就由你开始吧!
The acts of random kindness spread. If you were one of those drivers who found your fare paid, who knows what you might have been inspired to do for someone else later. Like all great events, kindness begins slowly, with every single act. Let it be yours!
It is the last sentence that I say to you.