初中英语请看图片谢谢啦 谢谢英语图片
1 climate2 interest3 skills4 respect5 semisphere完成句子1 never laugh.since2 they laughed at3 were full of
1.他八岁时就会游泳.he _had______ _learnt______ swim __when__ he was eight years old.2.努力学习,否则你会落后别人.___study hard ,or you will _fall ___ behind___.
完形填空 初一英语 见图片61:A 62:C 63: D 64:A 65:C 66:C 67:B 68:C
初中英语海报,急啊~~~其实很简单,颜色找一张浅蓝色泛绿的类似色系,大大的写下SALE,然后用小字在下面做补充.例:Hi!Would you want to buy any things?We have the best souvenirs!Come and have a look at them!这之后两边可以剪贴些卡通画或者自己设计!(用荧光笔效果更好)之后在下面艺术地署上你的名字或者你想说的话!come on!
初一英语 求图解family,they,yes,they,who's sister ,she's girl,it's,thank
初三英语.谢谢.进来看看吧asking studing driving totake B C D C C 参考参考
英语翻译,看图片,谢谢a我的开学日很有趣也很让我难以忘怀,在早上我匆匆忙忙的在教室后面找了一个座位. 下课之后,我又有英语课,我想它会很无聊但是却是非常的有趣.当早上的课程都上.
初中英语作文 How to Face Difficulties(怎样面对困难) 具体要求看图片Positive attitude, faith, is an important force to overcome difficulties. Environment created by the heart, human effort is the decisive factor., more confidence, more dynamic, .
谁知道初一英语报该怎么出?(最好有图)know that you're going to make it. It may take hard work. You may become frustrated(. And you'll make it,if you try. 这是一段激励人的话加在英语报中应该很不错也可以写一.