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[最佳答案] ①When you lose a game of chess you should shake hands say,"Good game."当你在棋局中输了,就挥手说:好棋!!②When you don't hear something say,"Pardon .


[最佳答案] picture / thin / smile / notice / remind / immersed / don't notice / thing long / browsed / write / ? /much / 空 / present / ? /say / help / need / indifference


答: Good morningHow can I help youMay I speak to call you backGood byeThanks for your helpEmilyAdvanced Micro DevicesCould you wait a moment?百give her a massageEmily1-408-749-3080上面的每一度行对内应着一容个空


答: earth, college, believe, sent, first86.Yes.10-15 minutes.Dangerous.In the morning.Winters sports for kids.


[最佳答案] 初学者,多学多听多造句多开口,少背单词少理语法少犹豫不前,很快进入英语境界以中国文化为荣,跨步全球.

懂英文的大佬 帮忙看着 这张卡写的什么 怎么填

[最佳答案] 卡片是退换卡,根据你自己是要退回还是换货进行填写.下面是中文翻译,有问题请追问.RETURN/EXCHANGE CARD中文:返回/交换卡Please Fill in the form below if .

求专业英语水平的大佬回答翻译,博学多思 的英语是什么?(不要复制

[最佳答案] 这是博学和多思构成的合成词,博学就是知识渊博的,英文是 erudite、learned 或 knowledgeable ,多思就是深思熟虑的,英文是 thoughtful,合起来就是 erudite and thoughtful、learned and thoughtful 或 knowledgeable and cogitative.


[最佳答案] I talk to you in Chinglish every day,maybe one day,you talk to me in English that likes Chinglish.

懂英语的都来看看吧~~~求求求英语帮助啊!!! 如题!!!各位帮帮

[最佳答案] 8. A had cooked, 9C fairly good, 10B before long 1. He had hardly gone to bed when he finished writing the article. 2. The gasoline has aready used up. 3. I hope I can write to you before long. 4. He had been watching TV for the past three hours. 5. This movie is fairly meaningful.


[最佳答案] 这两个句子不能混为一谈,第一个句子是因为前面的单词是induce,诱导,引导某人去做什么,一般是表述成induce sb. to.,这个句子or后面仍加to,是因为or这个介词后面的表述应与前面表述一致,即就像中文中的“或”、“和”类似,你话只讲了一半,所以,后面当然也加to.整句话连一起就是:.引导别人去执行什么项目或解决什么冲突..后面一个句子,第一个有to是因为,be both to是固定搭配的词组,后面直接加动词,and后面也要保持一致性,所以也直接加动词,不是加to.希望能帮助到你!