看书用英语怎么说 玩游戏用英语怎么说
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英文意思是:reading 希望采纳、3q
看书英文怎么说read the book
看书 用英文怎么写?看书 - Reading (No need to say "books" it is understood. For example, you can say, "My interest (or hobby) is reading". It's understood that you like to read and not the other two types 念书( 读书(在心里默默的不发出声音来念书)- Browse or skimming it through
看书的英文怎么写走到旁边的房间;ll probably stay home and read a book, reading, Gardner Bickford,弗朗西斯坐着看书, was lying in bed, Lai hung up and walked to the next room看书[kà.
看书的英语怎么说?看书的短语为 read books(复数) 如果是看一本书的话就是 read a book例句:I am reading books.
看书英文怎么说英语里面好像没有看书这个概念,只有read book.
看书的英语怎么写read a book或者是read books希望对您有所帮帮助!
看书英文怎么写 - -----some你好!read books如果对你有帮助,望采纳.
读书用英语怎么说read book 是字面的看书 读书 study at school 是在学校上学读书