解答问题的英语 解答的短语
拒绝回答问题 declinetoansweraquestion 拒绝回答问题 arefusaltoansweraquestion 我点头以回答问题 bobbedmyheadinresponsetothequestion.在学校孩子们举手回答问题.
answer the question
"回答问题"的英文怎么翻译?question answering 当做"回答问题“的名词使用 answer a question , 回答一个问题.answer questions 回答问题们: 例如 Please answer my question. 请回答一个问题.I always answer the questions from my students. 我总是回答来自我学生的问题
解决问题的英语Work out the problem和work the problem out都可以,前者看起来更好些. deal with the problem意思是处理问题(还没解决) 也可以说:solve the problem
回答问题用英语怎么说?Answer questions.或Answer the question.
回答问题用英文怎么说answer the question.或者 answer questions.
“解决问题”有几种英文表达方法?resolve problem,solve problem, tackle the barrier, overcome a difficulty1. solve: (solve . (他们认为钱可以解决一切问题.) The roof used to leak but last week I fitted some .
解决问题用英文怎么说solve the problem 或者problem solving例如:要解决问题,就要从根源处着手.翻译为:we have to solve the problem from the root.
解决问题用英文怎么说solve the problem 或者problem solving例如:要解决问题,就要从根源处着手.翻译为:We have to solve the problem from the root.
回答问题的英语怎么拼啊问题 question (常指一般的问题,询问,疑问) problem (常指问题,难题,困难的情况,指存在的难题,而不是询问) trouble (也指问题,但常用来指指 麻烦 )回答 answer (动词,例句:回答问题:answer the qusetion) 有不懂的可以随时问我哈!