土木工程英语 土木工程英语翻译
我的专业是土木工程有二种情况:1. 我的专业是土木工程表示本科或专科.I am majored in civil engineering for Bachelor's degree/Associated degree.2. 我的专业是土木工程表示硕士或博士.I am pursuing Master's degree /Doctor's degree of the major of civil engineering.
This course mainly introduces a variety of domains of civil engineering , with a specific focus on the characteristics and laws of civil engineering, as well as the civil .
土木工程专业英语现在英语专业已经给人很泛的感觉了,跟不上社会需求,土木工程英语应该是面向工程翻译这块的,可以是工程陪同翻译,也可能是工程资料的翻译,专业性比英语专业要强,证书嘛,综合4 专业4 综合6 专业8,都可以考啊,如果确实能力强悍,可以考翻译证书,不过翻译证书也是范的,,不过想想,这个专业应该英语和土木方面的证都可以考哦~.土木英语出来的男生应该可以去非洲,啊哈哈哈~~
土木工程英文怎么说土木工程 Civil Engineering
土木工程英文翻译,很简单,急,给分.在其他(更常见)的方法是,将钢条(对priestesses 不敢乱翻译,原意是女祭司,但是这里应该是指主要的,或者是品牌名称?)放置在对应成品形状的构架的较低部分,并在周围浇上混凝土.
土木工程用英语怎么说?civil engineering
土木工程 用英语怎么说土木工程[词典] civil engineering[例句]The Channel Tunnel project is the biggest civilengineering project in Europe.英吉利海峡隧道是欧洲最大的土木工程.
土木工程专业介绍(用英语)First, the training objectivesThis professional development to master the engineering mechanics, fluid mechanics, rock mechanics and municipal engineering the basic .
请教土木工程专业英语的翻译而且搀杂残余物如脉石英,沉积环境以及其形成时的古气候.The latter two factors have a varying tendency to reduce the proportion of unstable material,主要是脉石英..
关于土木工程的英语作文,100字左右即可What kind of interesting work are other Civil Engineers doing right now?I'm working . but also very frustrating. The Engineering firm who designed the project is from Chicago.