中国英语大神级人物 用英语介绍中国名人
Hearing about the pasts are like hearing/feeling the breeze, totally cool Thought of the people from the past is like watching the smoke (disappearing), totally irrelevant I have moved on.
中国名人英文简介Jackie chan is introduced material:Name: Jackie chan Name: Chen port English: Jackie Chan Location: born in Hong Kong Her: shandong Animals: horse Career: actor, .
人物介绍,求大神翻译全面Name: Liu Xiang Nationality: Chinese Gender: Male Born on: July 13, 1983 Place of Birth: Putuo District, Shanghai, China Height: 1.89 m (6 ft 2 1⁄2 in) Weight: 85 kg (187 .
中国著名的人物英语简介Helen Keller was less than two years old when she came down with a fever. It struck dramatically and left her unconscious. The fever went just as suddenly. But she was .
求英语大神给写一篇关于描写有名的中国人物的一篇英语文章,200词左.你好,你知道Confucius孔子 吗?试着写他吧
历史上会外语的中国名人严复(1854.1.8—1921.10.27),原名宗光,字又陵,后改名复,字几道,汉族,福建侯官(今福州市)人,近代著名的翻译家、教育家、新法家代表人物.中国心,西洋脑——林语堂 中国现代著名作家、学者、翻译家、语言学家,新道家代表人物.
用英语介绍中国名人do you know yaoming? the famous basketball star? let me tell you! yaoming was born . many chinese are proud of him!我们初一的英语作文~关于姚明的~~希望对你有帮助.