帮我修一下电脑翻译 按重要性大小顺序英文翻译
我将让人帮我修电脑 I will ask someone to help me repair the computer.或者 I will have the computer repaired with the help of others.
Thank you for helping me to repair the computer
你最好学会修电脑?用英语怎么翻译啊?你最好学会修电脑 You had better learn to repair(fix) computers.
维修电脑用英语怎么说维修电脑释义:computer maintenancecomputer repair网络:维修电脑 Computer Repair我在维修电脑 I repair computers电脑维修 Computer Repair
“修电脑”的英语怎么说修理电脑:repair the computer
关于感谢别人帮忙修电脑的英语作文as the economy develope,that evey desk in the office has a computer has not been a fresh thing.nowdays,more and more officers use the computers.it seems that the .
维修电脑方面的英语翻译BIOS的种类各异,不能一概而论.就贴一些常用的词汇的翻译吧: Time/System Time 时间/系统时间 Date/System Date 日期/系统日期 Level 2 Cache 二级缓存 System .
我的电脑坏了用英语怎么说的4种翻译1、My computer doesn't work.2、My computer stop working.3、My computer has broken down.4、My computer was broken.百度翻译提供即时免费的多语种文本翻译和网页翻译服务,支持中、英、日、韩、泰、法、西、德等28种热门语言互译,覆盖756个翻译方向.
哥哥帮我修电脑 什么意思有好几种意思,一种是你在修电脑,哥哥来帮忙.一种是你不会修电脑,哥哥帮你修,一种是,电脑是个人的代号,他欺负了你,哥哥帮你修理他.还有一种就是哥哥帮我是个名字或者网名,然后他喜欢修电脑.最后一种意思就是完全没有意思,虚无缥缈、莫名其妙
我的电脑坏了,需要修理 英语翻译我的电脑坏了,需要修理My computer is broken and needs to be repaired求采纳