这句话怎么翻译成英语 这句话用英语怎么说
You are good kids.
Ms.. I love you .. this life, but no change in
我们说英语怎么样?这句话怎么翻译成英文?Can we speak in English?你说的第一个语法不对,第二个意思不对,字面意思是你能用英语和我们说话吗
这句话怎么翻译成英文:苹果公司曾多次赞助作者进行研究,并且邀请作者作为新一代手.Apple, the company, had sponsored the author's research for many times, and had invited the author to test the next-generation cell phone. Apple has provided the author with a cell phone which has not been introduced to the market yet.
帮我翻译下这句话(翻译成英语)谢谢.Invite them to participate in some party or event. Because it not only helps to improve their English level, also can help them out alone. But also help you understand China, learning Chinese knowledge.
如何翻译以下这句话成英文To thank the following three employees in 2005 and 2006 in a job well done, outstanding achievements as the company was the first 23. Thank you for a year to pay for this company, please continue your efforts.
谁能帮忙把这句话翻译成英文!译成英语是: It is always the darkest before the dawn , but we must believe that the dawn will come soon
你现在有在线吗? 这句话,求翻译成英语.应该是You are online right now吧,希望对你有用
这句英语怎么说?1 You in your country that live in town?2 Do not you offer your unrequited love of the3 His face is full of cunning, it is great fear4 Please you help me put things look better package5 Side of water while watching TV (一边喝水一边看电视) 【该出手时就出手的习惯】请 Give mea hand!..(给我一只手.) 不敢保证都对
这句话翻译成英语,不要百度翻译和谷歌翻译.求英语好的人们帮帮我翻译,谢谢!取消谷歌金山词霸,在你电脑中的启动项就 可以了. 你点“开始”-输入“msconfig"--点”启动“把”谷歌金山词霸“前面的勾去掉,点确定.