想问一句英语的翻译? 我想问一下英语怎么说
I want to be your sole
英语 English 英语【English】(也可称为美语,例如香港、新加坡等地),英联邦全部、美国等国家和地区的国语或官方语言.公元3世纪起有文献记载,文字采用拉丁字.
“冒昧地问一句”用英语怎么说excuse me.. 然后说你的问题.
问一句话用英语怎么说in a word, just do what you should do. the time passed never return.don't leave any regrets on both you and your lovely mother.
我想问你一个问题 翻译成英语.我能问你个问题麽? can i ask you a question?
这句英语怎么说?1 You in your country that live in town?2 Do not you offer your unrequited love of the3 His face is full of cunning, it is great fear4 Please you help me put things look better package5 Side of water while watching TV (一边喝水一边看电视) 【该出手时就出手的习惯】请 Give mea hand!..(给我一只手.) 不敢保证都对
“想你了”用英语怎么说?想你了 用英语说:miss you 双语例句:我也已经想你了.i miss you already, too.
帮我翻译一句英语English someday I die in your hands. Die someday fat shiva, I will let you sit up and take notice. Look 你……你有病啊 学哥我 目标:炸平大不列颠Fry even Britain
求一句英语翻译和解释There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend. 句子分析: 第一、句子可以拆分为三段:There.
常见的英语问句怎么翻译常见的英语问句,一般都有固定的翻译方法.这些方法,老师都会讲到的,课本上也有.很简单.举个例子: 1.What's in your hand ? 你手里拿的是什么? 2.Do you know what's the day it is today? 你知道今天是什么日子吗? 3.Are you Chinese ? 你是中国人吗?