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英语eliminates competition in a matter of dress怎么翻译?(windscreen的英文翻译)

英语eliminates competition in a matter of dress怎么翻译?(windscreen的英文翻译)


the window across the front of a motor vehicle (机动车前面的)挡风玻璃,风挡

或者也可以是:A device that reduces or eliminates wind noise from the microphone being moved

or from wind blowing into the microphone on remote location recordings.


The competition is to show enterprise cooperation in view of competition between competition and processing, the coexistence of differentiation from seeking to search for hand in competition, and possible cooperation with rivals will establish some form of partnership and cooperation of competition. Cooperation and not submerged refers to the competition between enterprises, for resources or customer will still compete, but this kind of competition is a higher level, more efficient form of competition.(just for your information)

英语翻译 我是陈瑞婷,今年17岁,我来自于桂阳,现在住在石盖塘,我有一双美丽的大眼睛,平时喜欢吃饭


=> My name is Ruiting Chen, i am seventeen years old, i come from Gui Yang, now i am living in ShiGai Tang. i have a pair of big eyes, i usually just eat and sleep and playing beans. i think i am very well, i atteneded the skills competition is my school, i got the first place in the five talent competition, and a third place in a piano competition. Hope you like me so far, thank you.

the black one is a birk汉语怎么说

birk 是什么意思
