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英语coordinate the whole activity怎么翻译?


in the toy box 在玩具箱里 All the toys go in the toy box. 所有的玩具都放在玩具箱里.

英语coordinate the whole activity怎么翻译?


Everybody is good , topic of conversation needed to talk about by me is `a Believe ... Watched at that time is a little "the whole nation English give a lecture the competition "...

整整一上午用英语怎么说 可不可以是all the morming 急急急

如果用做时间状语短语,可以用All the morming,如果用在句尾做定语应该用the all morning或the whole morning.还有你单词拼错了,上午单词是morning不是morming.

“巧妇难为无米之炊” 用英语怎么说

1 you can't make something out of nothing. 2 if you have no hand you can't make a fist. 3 one can't make bricks without straw. 都可以作 :巧妇难为无米之炊.

英语作文a volunteering activity

Sam, I'm writing to tell you about a voluntary activity last week. Last Saturday several friends and I went to the People's Park at about eight o'clock. Then we started to ...


From the practice of specific marketing case state name outstanding property sales ... playground, parks, bars, the elderly activity center), content canal level, building quality, ...

英语翻译 the whole wide world的意思

the whole wide world(整个自然界) the whole world(整个世界)


feel boring

英语高手进,一年之季在于春,一日之计在于晨 用英语怎么翻译

有几种译本,提供给楼主: The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring. A year's plan starts with spring Make your plans in the spring. Spring is the best time of the year! Spring is the time to plan for the whole year.

"本活动最终解释权归本公司所有" 怎么翻译英语

"In the final interpretation of the activities of the Company"