thisismysister变复数 library变复数
thisismyfriend变为复数形式These are my friends. 这句本身就是肯定句. 否定句:These aren't my friends. 一般疑问句:Are these your friends? 肯定回答:Yes, they are. 否定回答:No, they aren't.
These are my sisters.
thisisyoursister变成复数形式怎么写?第一时间为你提供正确答案: These are your sisiters. ************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问, 另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! **************************************************************************
That is my sister.怎么改为复数形式?急急急急急急急Those are my sisters. 也可以全部改了,就成了 those are our sisters. 但是一般情况下,采用前者.my 是 sister的修饰语,不参加变化.
想问一下this is my name变成复数形式的时候为什么my要.This is my name. 变复数: Those are their names. 因为单数名字是一个,而当变为复数时就是他们的了,因为从逻辑上讲,一个人不会有很多名字的. 当然,一个人也会有两个名字,尤其是外国人,这时候要用前名,中名和后名来区分.例如: My name is Alan Johnson Davies. Alan is my first name, Johnson is my middle name and Davies is my last name.
That is her sister变成复数句Those are her/their sisters.
thisis my goose复数形式这句话要求改为复数句,即每个词有复数形式的都应该改为复数形式.this-these,is -are,my-our,goose-geese.因此答案是: These are our geese. 这些是我们的鹅.
this is my friend改为复数句These are our friends
This is your teacher 改为复数句this 的复数是these .teacher 的复数是teachers .is 改为are .最后的句子就变成了these are your teachers
将Is this that twin sister's photo改为复数形式Are these that twin sisters' photos.不要将这里的that改为those的. 我们可以看这句话Where is my pencil-box?改为复数形式Where are my pencil-boxes?不用把My改成our的.