英字用江南话怎么说? 江南说一句话
搜狗在线翻译 汉译英 搜狗问问给你挑了几个,都很不错哦..有几个的翻译都是我一个字一个字敲出来的哦..希望能帮. 在他寻找国王的旅途中,他学会了如何使他自己接受他的.而且因为他的勇敢,他最终.
您好:)死生契阔,与子成说.执子之手,与子偕老. 《诗经•;邶风•;击鼓》 我从网上down的翻译是理雅各James Legge的经典翻译: For life or for death, however .
麻烦南昌人帮下忙,请问下面的话用南昌话怎么说,南昌话发.1、我欢喜你 wo1 huan1xi ng2、我爱你 wo1 ai4 ng(赣方言没有这种表达)3、我想你 wo1 xiang4 ng4、你几时请我呷饭 en ji2shi qiang3 wo1 xia1fan5、wan4an,hao4.
向前走,向后走,向左走,向右走······用英怎么说??搜狗问问walk forward walk backward turn left turn right walk along.沿着.走
12345678910用海南话怎么说?1呀 2诺 3嗒 4滴 5呕 6朗 7先 8 boy(英文的发音) 9搞 10嗒(最后要合上嘴)
英译英(同义句)1.I took nothing with me when I came out of my room.=I left my room without anything. 2.It's not safe for young children to play with candles. =It's dangerous for young children to play with candles 3.I could neither cook nor play in the kitchen.= I could not cook or play in the kitchen. 4.I became a fireman when I was 21 yeard old. = I became a fireman at the age of 21. 5.We want to stop the fire when it's small. =We want to put out the fire when it's small.
用英话向你的朋友介绍一下你的家乡5句话·My Hometown My hometown is a village in AnQiu, located in south china. It's a beautiful place with distinct weather of the four seasons. My town has subtropical climate what I like most is spring of it, having a lot of rain and watering all plants and animal. Neither it's hot, nor cold. People there are warmth, honest and diligent. The convention of their masters were observed for ages , living in house made by wood and earth ,walking through the track of .
勤劳 用英文怎么说?急啊!!!!!!!!!!Industrious
碰巧有个人从此经过这句话用英语怎么说多种说法: 用进行时态或进行式表示正经过: Someone was passing by here by chance. Someone was passing by at it happened. Someone happened to be passing by here. 用过去时态表示经过了: It so happened that sone one was passing by. Someone passed by as luck would have it. It chanced that someone passed by.