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In Chinese astrology each individual personality is associated with an animal sign that. (十二支). The Zodiac's popularity in Japan peaked during the Edo Era (1600-1868 .

Twelve Years of Animals( 12生肖) 1.Year of the Rat 鼠年 2.Year of the Ox 牛年 3.Year of the Iiger 虎年 4.Year of the Rabbit 兔年 5.Year of the Dragon 龙年 6.Year of the Snake.

十二生 肖的12种动物在汉语中只有一个:鼠:Rat,牛:Ox,虎:Tiger,兔:Hare,龙:Dragon ,蛇:Snake,马:Horse,羊:Sheep,猴:Monkey,鸡:Cock,狗:Do.



鼠年 Chinese Mouse Year

对应的英语可以这样翻译: It was very hard in the year of mouse, but it can be reversed in the year of Ox.

—— 英文:Gengzi Rat Year 或 Year of the Rat.



xx小巧玲珑,头脑机灵…… xx健壮……什么肌肉发达!xx勤奋勇敢,天天叫我们起床. 在在为人民服务的过程中…… xx天生就是秀气,在十二生肖中有贵妃之称


Mouse Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat(sheep) Chiken Dog Pig

In Chinese astrology each individual personality is associated with an animal sign that. (十二支). The Zodiac's popularity in Japan peaked during the Edo Era (1600-1868 .

rabbit 兔 dragon 龙 snake 蛇 horse 马 goat 羊 monkey 猴 rooster 鸡 dog 狗 rat 鼠 ox 牛 tiger 虎 pig 猪 不是叫the Chinese ox year 而是 Year of the ox.


The celebration of the new year is the oldest of all holidays. It was first observed in ancient Babylon about 4000 years ago. In the years around 2000 BC, the Babylonian New .

Dogs, along with cats, are thought to be as the most favored as pets in America today.?This wonderful animal is valued for their companionship, protection and friendship they.

关和平或习俗的英语手抄报资料 Rush Swallows may have gone, but there is a time of return; willow trees may have died back, but there is a time of regreening; peach .
