8上英语1到5单元单词 英语书八上一单元
人教版八年级上册5 - 6单元单词Unit 5 1. lesson n. 课 2. another a. 另一,再一; pron.&prep. 另一个 3.concert n. 音乐会, 4.whom pron. [who的宾格]谁 5.calendar n. 日历 6. tomorrow n.&ad. 明天 7.the day.
Unit1 Unit2 how often matter exercise have skateboard cold hardly have a cold ever stomachache once sore twice back time arm surf ear Internet eye program foot high .
八年级英语上单词表7~8单元Unit 7 第七单元单词和表达式 1.shake一种混合饮料2.milk shake奶昔(牛奶与香料,有时为冰淇淋,混合或搅打至起泡的饮料) 3.blender.果汁机;搅和器n4.turn on打开(.
1 - 5的英文单词1.one 2.two 3.three 4.four 5. five
新目标英语八年级上册一单元单词以下是该单元所有的单词和词组 how often exercise skateboard hardly ever once twice time surf Internet program high school result for as for about junk junk food milk coffee .
人教版的八上英语单词U1: nose how often look after stomach exercise lifestyle tooth skateboard grade throat hardly better ... ever same shop as once different twice difference time unhealthy surf yuck internet maybe program although high school grandpa most a lot of no keep result must actice less for U2: as for matter about have junk cold junk food have a cold milk stomachache coffee sore chip back cola arm chocolate ear drink eye health foot how many hand interviewer head .
1直到5的英语单词1 —— one 2 —— two 3 —— three 4 —— four 5 —— five 拓展资料: 1、one 的例句 There's only room for one person. 只有一个人的空间. 2、 two 的例句 I have a wife and two small children 我有一个妻子和两个年幼的孩子. 3、three 的例句 He had three tries and failed each time. 他试了三回,每回都失败了. 4、four 的例句 Judith is married with four children. 朱迪丝已经结婚了,有四个孩子. 5、five的例句 There are only five cookies left. 只剩下五块.
人教八上英语1—5单元短语+重点句子给你如下选择: 1.自己写, 2.抄别人的, 3.出钱买, 4.请人写, 5.不写
初二上册英语单词表以及句子(全部)多读多背多记就OK,加油额,I hope you study well.
新的仁爱版八年级上册最完整单词表=给点分呗..= = U2 is the name of a band from Dublin,Ireland.It is one of the most famous rock bands in the world. In the fall of 1976,a 14-year-old high school student,Larry Mullen,looked for some musicians to form a band.At last he found another 3 boys and they set up a band. The four members are still close friends after many years and they continue to make music.People all over the world still enjoy their music very much. 单词~:band n.乐队,乐团 Ireland n.