为什么要学英语? 英语重要性十大理由
为什么我们要学英语?用英语回答because we can learn more about the foreign culture,and we can talk something with the foreigners, it is easy to talk when we will go to the foreign! English can help us get .
为什么要学英语 ,用英语回答 1. because I want to earn more money in the company. 2. because I want to improve my.
英语作文 为什么我们要学习英语Why we should learn English. First of all, America, England, Austrilia etc. are English Speaking countries, as those countries are develped counties, they have many advance .
为什么要读英语(用英文回答Because English is becoming more and more important thoughout the world.
请用“为什么要学习英语”写一篇英语作文English - the universal language on the Internet? The importance of the Internet grows rapidly in all fields of human life, including not only research and education but also marketing and trade as well as entertainment and hobbies. This implies that it becomes more and more important to know how to use Internet services and, as a part of this, to read and write English. Of course, the majority of mankind cannot use the Internet nowadays or in the near future, .
为什么我们要学习外语?为了与世界交流,为了学习世界的先进知识. 学英语:外语就是用时间堆出来的.不能期望一下子有很大的提高. 充分利用每天的点滴时间,多记单词,多读和译重点课文.紧紧抓住每一与外语好的人的互动机会.多看(否则你无阅读能力),多念(否则是哑吧外语),多听(否则你是聋子外语),多写(否则你无法翻译). 另外,有相关外语互动网站,你找一下,对你会有帮助的. 记住:学外语和我们从小学说话一样,平时的努力会有巨大收获的.
为什么要学英语(英语作文)Why we study English? We have three reasons. First of all, English has become the national language,as there are many people speak English in the world. Second,English appears in our life as introductions of products ,web ,bbc and so on. The thind reason is that China join in the WTO, develop import and export trade need English. Finally,English is useful. If you are good at English, you will be the winner
做为中国人为什么要学英语因为英语世界通用,如果以后有机会到外国去,就可以与他们交谈. 同时,在中国遇到外国人也可以与他们交谈.外国人到中国旅游可以用英文介绍.