三人英语电影台词对话 电影场景英语三人对话
求一篇3人英语对话服务员:Welcome to our restaurant.What can I do for you?欢迎光临本酒店,有什么需要我帮助? 顾客 : Give me the menu please.请把菜单给我 I would like a pizza and a .
我从Arnold Lobel的小故事"Cookies"找到灵感,写下这段对话.感觉挺有意义的. Will power意志力 Mike(M) Danny(C), Tommy(T)---classmates Scene----in the college dorm.
英语情景3人对话(高分 急求)c: Hello A, when did you get back from Britain. I'm So glad to see you. By the way, this is my friend B, and he went back from France last week. a: Hi, nice to meet you. b: Hi, .
英语三人对话短文A和C是朋友,B是个路人(男的)A: Excuse me sir, do you know how to go to the museum(你在museum前面加个你那边的博物馆的名字)?B: Oh, of course. Do you .
关于三个人的英语情景对话.内容:工作面试I (Interviewer 面试者) A (Applicant 申请者) I: Have you ever been employed? I: Your resume says you have had one-year experience working in a foreign representative office in Shanghai, may I ask why you left? A: I worked in a foreign rep.office for one year.However,I left there two years ago because the work they gave me was rather dull.I found another job that is more interesting. I: Have you done any work in this field? I: What qualifications do you have that .
英语三人情景对话 关于我最喜欢的运动三人分别叫,Ann, Ben, Den . 先见面寒暄一下. Ann " Hey, Ben,Dan. Nice to see you two. " [嗨,Ben,Dan,见到你们两个真高兴] Ben, Dan " Nice to see you too, Ann. " [见到你也很高兴,Ann] Ann " Where have you been? You guys are sweating! " [你们去哪儿了? 你们身上好多汗阿] Ben " Oh, we went to the gym. " [哦,我们刚刚去体育馆了] Dan " Yeah, we just love sport." [对阿,我们太喜欢运动了] Ann " I see. So what's your .
求一篇英语3人对话小品TheeLittlePigs三只小猪 Stoytelle:Theeaetheelittlepigslivingwith讲故事者:三只小猪和他们的妈妈 theimothe.Ding-DingandDong-住在一起.丁丁和东东 Dongaeothepigs.Theyaevey是猪哥哥,他们很懒,他 Lazy.Theyeatandsleepallday.们整天吃了就睡.龙龙是 Long-Longistheyoungestpig.She最小的,她整天帮着妈妈 woksallday.Shehelpshe mothe做家务.todothehousewo k.Mothepig:Youhaveg ownup.Youmustmake猪妈妈:你们已经长大了,你们得 .
关于娱乐的三人英文对话A; have you watched the Superman yesterday. b; excellent c;right, i don't believe so , i think i am stronger than him a; boast b; not boast , to be honesty c;really, look my arm my waist and my fist and so on a; wait wait,look at belly, just like a tyre b; oh,yeah, could you fly? Just crowd aound on the ground. c;he he . Let's go to school,otherwise ,we will be late A Hello every body B hello C that is a fine day A pretty nice, what shall we do? B nothing but relax C no ,that .
外语电影搞笑对白外国电影经典对白■外国电影经典对白■人在身边,觉得遥不可及,人在天边,觉得驻在心间;你在远方,我百般期盼,你往眼前,我十分厌烦;你和我稀薄头不见抬头见,手与手无缘相牵;你和我从没唔面,心与心永恒相连. 外国电影经典对白■外国电影经典对白■这就是神奇得带点蛊惑的距离,这就是美得有点迷人的距离.外国电影经典对白■外国电影经典对白■雾里看花,楼头望月,芳草更得更远而生,地平线在远处走近还远,长距离生发美感受,.