sahg造句? 用has造句5句
用has造句john has a toy car.mary has a story father has three children.a snake has no leg.
sweet:Sweet dreams! crispy:If I may so, the crispy fried duck is delicious. salty:Can I have this dish changed, please? It's too salty. sour:This milk has gone sour; it has a sour .
station怎样造句乘地铁都有提示的: The next station is xxxxxx(站名),please get already for your arriving.
用sound造句sound like听起来像.. This voice sounds like a music.这个声音听起来像一首歌.
August怎么造句答案是:August is the eighth month of a yearIt is very hot in Beijing August ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧.
distinguish oneself 造句distinguish oneself 因…而出名,使自己出名;使超出别人;使杰出: She distinguished herself in the arts. 她在艺术方面成就出众. He distinguished himself by his bravery. 他以勇敢著称.
用all,bath,catch,eleven四个单词一起造句,该怎么造句They finanlly catch all eleven cockroaches before taking a bath. 他们终于在洗澡前抓住了全部的十一只蟑螂(笑)
chilly可以怎么造句chilly adj. 寒冷的;怕冷的 His heavy coat besteaded him against the chilly north wind. 他的厚外衣有助于他抵御寒冷的北风.
用a good bargain造句,谢谢The chair's price is 10 yuan and it allow 30% discount, what a good bargain.
enough造句?a. 1. 足够的,充足的 We have enough chairs for everyone. 我们有足够的椅子让大家坐. I was fool enough to trust him. 我真傻,竟会信赖他. n. 1. 足够,充分[+to-v][(+for)] We earned enough to buy a new house. 我们挣的钱足够买一幢新房子. I've had enough, thank you. 我够了,谢谢. ad. 1. 足够地;充分地[+to-v] They cannot walk fast enough. 他们走得不够快. I'm old enough to handle my own affairs. 我已经长大了,可以处理我自己的事情.