creativity英语解释 形容creativity的
creativity是什么意思单词音标 英语音标:[ kri e t v t ] 美语音标:[ krie t v ti] 中文翻译 n.创造力;创造 单词例句 用作名词 (n.) this toy will help children with their creativity. 这种玩具有助于孩子.
这个句子的意思是“学校是否抹杀了创造性”,这是今年全国中学生英语创新大赛的作文题目,原题应该是“Does school always kill students' creativity”,就是“学校是否.
创意的英文Originality Creativity idea三个有什么区别?Originality, 原创一般指艺术类 Creativity, 创意,创新 idea,点子 Creative Studio 较好 Creative 是形容词
激发创造力用英语怎么说?激发创造力:stimulate creativity 例句 We will implement the "Four Respect" policy to stimulate creativity; 主要包括:全面贯彻“四尊重”方针,充分激发创造活力;This.
创造境界用英语怎么说create the realm创造境界
发挥创造力用英语怎么说发挥创造力用英语 expand creativity
创新思维用英语怎么说创新思维 [词典] innovative thinking; [例句]传统的课堂教学限制了学生的创新思维和创新能力. Second, traditional classroom teaching students the limits of innovative thinking and creativity.
创造力的英文翻译是 creative spirit 吗?creativity 你那个是创造精神
创造的英语翻译.还有创造的缩写?动词creat 名词creation 缩写没见过
全世界闻名,每年有许多游客来参观,他们都惊叹中国人的创.Known throughout the world. Each year, many tourists who come to visit, they are amazed at the creativity of the Chinese people.