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英语The glade怎么翻译?

William Blake的诗the tyger怎么翻译

英语The glade怎么翻译?

the tyger, included in songs of experience, is one of blake's best-known poems. it seemingly praises the great power of tiger, but what the tiger symbolizes remains disputable.

英语课文《Hansel and Gretel》

bullwinkle's menu sandwiches served with french fries tukey croissant philly cheese steak french dip grilled chicken hanburgers served with french fries cheeseburger sour dough salads chicken caesar salad taco salad dessert ice cream any kind of sundae 最好带音标的

The Winning Team课文翻译

原发布者:junmin750812 Peterkepthiseyesontheground.Hefeltliketherewasaheavyweightonhisshouldersashewalkedhomealone.Itwastheworstdayofhislife..

《Climbing The Wall》到底应该如何正确翻译?



fish英音:[fiʃ] 费H

课文“the rest of elias' story”怎么翻译?

剩下的elias故事 或者是 其他的elias故事

the least useless如何翻译?

the least useless可译作:最少没用(即还有丁点儿用)最无用的

the good eat earth怎么翻译?

the good earth 太有名了,就是大地的意思 但是加一个eat是不是 沮丧(类似的词吧)大地的意思 eat,有这个意思,我就这样想了,结合上下文自己看吧 To cause persistent annoyance or distress:使困扰,使烦恼:引起持续的烦恼或不安:“How long will it be before the frustration eats at you?”(Howard Kaplan) “沮丧还会困扰你多久?”

临危授命 英语怎么说

临危授命get(受)/give(授) the order at the time of danger


入股是一个数字,就是One hundred twenty-three million four hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred eighty-night