英语试卷中专期末用什么话题 作文
English final exam, I received a profound lesson, because I fell in "flowing" in. I always extraordinary achievement, first get the test results to tears, looking at the English .
is like water. we should adapt to it. i like running water. it is the strongest and mar . its incessant running and its adaptibility to any environment. to adapt is to conquer. the .
A good friend is one who can help you when you are in trouble. A good friend is one who can laugh with you and cry with you together. A good friends is one who can say no .
Last Saturday I took part in an activity held by our class. That day we went to the People's Park.At eight o'clock in the morning we gathered at our school gate and started by .
职高英语作文Something about English class主题的
I am a sophomore now.In my memeries,my college English courses were not pretty good.I don't think the way we tought was suited for me.So ,my English level was far from .
我的梦想My Dream Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, . but I have climbed the first rung anyway. 每个人都有很多的梦想,我的梦想英语作文.有些.
English Sidelights is a magazine intended for students in our middle school to . c. Experiences and suggestions on how to improve spoken English; d. Writings about what .
英语作文 我家乡广安
in my life, ms. wang is the most important person to me. her teaching skills are diverse. we are really grateful for what she has done for us. we want to say ”thank you” to h.